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The roads in Hämeenaukio will be asphalted from the end of the week - choose a detour

25.10.2023 Releases Living in Riihimäki Street work Accessibility Center Traffic and streets

The roadways of the Hämeenaukio construction site will be asphalted on Thursday 26 and Friday 27.10 October. during. The area already has asphalt base materials, but within two days, the finished surface layer will be made on the streets. Asphalting starts on Thursday in the direction of Koivistonkatu and Lopentie and ends on Friday in the area of ​​Hämeenkatu and Torikatu.

Asphalting causes noise and traffic disturbances around Hämeenaukio. You cannot drive to the square during all work phases. Traffic controllers direct traffic in the area during the asphalting.

"I recommend everyone to visit the Hämeenaukio construction site on Thursday and Friday. The less traffic there is in the square during the rest of the week, the faster the work goes," says Arto Rämäkkö, the developer in charge.

After the asphalting of Hämeenaukio's roadways, the new work of the square continues, for example with the paving of the sidewalks. The square section containing Hämeenaukio's art will be completed next summer.

The asphalting of the roadways is related to the renovation work of Hämeenaukio, the goal of which is to clarify traffic in the square, improve traffic safety, walking and cycling conditions, and create a pleasant cityscape.

Read the previous news (April 20.4)

Hämeenaukio station drawing (pdf)

The city's Streets website

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