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Haapahuhta school and residential building for sale

20.2.2024 Releases Living in Riihimäki Service network

Yellow three-story school building, fenced yard with swings. Forest in the background.
Haapahuhta school. Photo: Jenniina Nummela

The city of Riihimäki is selling the Haapahuhta school and the residential building located in its immediate vicinity on the portal. In connection with the sale of the buildings, the city of Riihimäki hands over an area of ​​approximately 1,6 hectares as the buildings' yard areas.

The school and residential building were completed in 1948. The school was renovated in 2002. The residential building was renovated in 1993. School and daycare activities in the building ended in the summer of 2023. Part of the apartment is rented at the time of the sale announcement.

The technical board will consider the received offers at its meeting on April 23.

On March 3.3.2021, 1.8.2023, Riihimäki's education and welfare board decided to close down Haapahuhta's school, pre-school and early childhood education and to transfer the activities to other locations in the city from August 28.9.2020, XNUMX. The decision has been made as part of the service network decision approved by the city council on September XNUMX, XNUMX.

Sale notice,

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