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The most beautiful and bravest of the solar system - Riihimäki's strategy gives direction to the development

14.4.2022 Releases Participate and influence Administration Municipality Decision making Strategy Vision

The stage and audience of the 2021 Rakas Riksu event
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

The city of Riihimäki has worked together with residents and decision-makers on the city's new strategy, which extends to 2035. The strategy summarizes the vision, strategic goals and values ​​guiding the city's operations, according to which Riihimäki will be developed in the coming years. The City Council will discuss the RakasRiksu2035 strategy at its meeting on Tuesday 19.4.2022 April XNUMX. The matter will be discussed in the city council on Monday, April 25.4.2022, XNUMX.

According to the vision, Riihimäki is the most beautiful and brave community of happy residents and clever companies in the solar system. The city combines sustainable growth and first-class quality of life in a good way without forgetting meaningful everyday life, culture and future know-how. The strategy that guides decision-making and the activities of the city's personnel has three main goals: an irresistible city of the quarter, a home for the creators of the future, and a community of sustainable growth. The implementation of the strategy and its goals is monitored and evaluated with council-level goals and metrics.

The contents of the strategy are refined and concretized, for example, in boards and in various separate programs and plans. The projects implemented by the city also advance the goals. The city's values ​​are fairness, courage and promptness.

The RakasRiksu2035 strategy has been prepared in cooperation with decision-makers, residents, personnel and other stakeholders. As a basis for the work, extensive background and comparison material was collected for the evaluation of the current state. Citizens and other stakeholders were involved during 2021 and early 2022, for example through surveys, interviews and stakeholder meetings. Background and participation materials can be found on the city's website.

The preparation of the RakasRiksu2035 strategy started at the beginning of 2021. According to the Municipalities Act, the municipality must have a municipal strategy, in which the council decides on the long-term goals of the municipality's operation and economy. The city council approves the strategy that guides the city's operations and outlines the municipality's success factors.

The strategy will be published on the city's website after the city council approves it.