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Do you live in an apartment building without an elevator? Come to the elevator night on November 13

30.10.2024 Releases Living in Riihimäki Residence Participation

A highway that ends in a park-like landscape. Apartment buildings on both sides of the highway.
Photo: Teemu Virtanen

The city of Riihimäki is organizing a lift night on Wednesday, November 13 at 17.30:16 pm at the library (Kauppakatu 17.00). The event starts with coffee at XNUMX:XNUMX.

Residents living in apartment buildings without elevators, members of the board of the housing association and property managers are invited to the elevator night.

Introducing the stages and costs of decision-making

In the elevator evening, all steps related to decision-making, planning and construction of the elevator are reviewed. The representative of the Hyvinkään-Riihimäen-Mäntsälä Real Estate Association tells about the decision-making necessary for the purchase of an elevator in the building society and the distribution of costs among the shares. During the evening, elevator solutions suitable for old apartment buildings will also be presented.

Assistance is available for the purchase of an elevator

A representative of the Housing Finance and Development Center (ARA) explains about subsidies for retrofitting elevators and how to apply for them. In the lift evening, we also talk about other accessibility-related repairs of the housing association and their subsidies. At the end of the evening, the resident's personal experiences of the elevator and accessibility renovation and its effects will be heard.

The elevator helps the elderly outside the home

According to Statistics Finland, about a thousand residents over 65 years of age live in an apartment building without an elevator in Riihimäki. The number of aging people will grow rapidly in Riihimäki in the coming years and decades.

- Riihimäki should have more age-friendly housing solutions and living environment, the city's project manager Riikka Uusikulku says.

- The elevator supports living at home for the elderly. It increases accessibility and enables the elderly to go out, socialize, enjoy hobbies and take care of everyday things, says welfare coordinator Marjo-Kaisa Konttinen.

- In addition, the elevator increases living comfort for all age groups and increases the value of the apartment, Uusikulku adds.

The event is open to everyone and free of charge. Welcome!

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