Matkala Niina
Planning Manager
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The townspeople are welcome to hear about the zoning plans and this year's street, park and water supply construction projects in Riksula (Eteläinen Asemakatu 2) on Monday, April 8, from 17.30:19.30 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
Zoning manager Niina Matkala, street manager Antti Kitinoja and technical director Maria Vasko will present the city's sites at the event. Network manager Heidi Salosaari and water supply engineer Anne Majaniemi present the items from Riihimäki Vede. The event is open to everyone.
The city of Riihimäki's goal is to increase housing, services and jobs in central locations in the station area and downtown. In addition to that, new housing is planned to supplement the existing urban structure in a thoughtful manner.
The most significant objects in street, park and water supply construction this year are
The construction work of Jokikylä's new residential area and park started last year with preliminary construction works. The work has included, among other things, various cable and pipe relocation works and cleanup of contaminated land. Riihimäki Water's main transfer works are currently underway in the area of Eteläinen Asemakatu. The work phases of the construction of the Jokikylä residential area will be carried out throughout the year, and the construction will continue in the following years.
During this year, the city is preparing for the possible location of the campus of the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) on the Liikerada of the Matkakeskus or in the northern parts of Veturitalie in the station area. If Liikerata is chosen as the location, the plan to change the site plan is to start during the fall. On the east side of the main line, the city is preparing to change the site plan for the health and social services service center of the Kanta-Häme welfare area (OmaHäme).
During the current year, the city will continue with the site planning of Kokonharju and start the site planning of the center of Herajoki. The purpose is to create starting points for distinctive small house construction in both areas.
Kokonharju is the main area of the housing fair planned for Riihimäki in 2027. The goal is to start the construction of Kokonharju's streets and water supply already this coming autumn.
Welcome to hear current news about these and other projects.
Read more
Zoning overview and program 2024
Construction of streets and public areas
Planning Manager
Street manager
Technical industry
Responsible developer
Technical industry
Technical Director
Technical industry
Director of the Water Supply Department, Sewerage Department's customer service and invoicing
Riihimäki Water
Archive of categories: Releases
Subject areas: Living in Riihimäki ,
Keywords: Station area , Residence , Jokikylä , Planning , Street work , Center , Construction , Rickshaw , Events ,
All articles: News