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Illustration, Sand toys
Photo: Pixabay

Peltosaari daycare Saturnus and Satellite

Our small and cozy block daycare center operates on the ground floor of an apartment building in the middle of the residential area of ​​the Peltosaari district at Saturnuksenkatu 2. We have three full-time groups. A special feature of our daycare center is multiculturalism, so language and communication are emphasized in our daily activities.

  • Our daycare center is open from 6.30:17.00 a.m. to 17.30:XNUMX p.m. and, by special arrangement, until XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. due to parents' work or studies.

  • A special feature of our daycare center is multiculturalism, so language and communication are emphasized in our daily activities. We use pictures, among other things, to clarify the daily schedule, and to support the language spoken in play and activities. In addition to pictures, if necessary, we use support signs to support language and communication learning. All children are given their own individual early childhood education plan, which defines individual needs and goals for activities and to promote language learning.

    We operate a lot in small groups, which allows us to take the child's individuality into account better. In a small group, the interaction between child and adult also increases. The goal is warm interaction, valuing the child as an individual, giving positive support and sensitivity to the child's reactions. A smaller group gives this opportunity.

    In addition to small group activities, we think play is important. While playing, the child learns many things relevant to life, such as social skills. Promoting play skills and long-lasting play is one of our goals. Although play is a child's way of acting, the child may need an adult's help in the games, without forgetting that the child is comfortable when an adult is involved in the game.

    Our activities are based on child-orientation and adult leadership - the activities start from the child's needs and interests and initiatives, the adult's task is to guide the activities, i.e. to offer opportunities, guide, guide, enrich, set limits and be safe.

    We also move actively with the children in our surroundings. A sports field, an ice rink, nearby forests, a pond and a wetland park are within walking distance of our kindergarten. The city's services, such as the library, theater, central church and museums are close to us.

    • Aurinkoniitty is a group for 1-3 year olds
    • Aurinkolaakso is a group of 3-5 year olds
    • Aurinkometsä is a group for 3-5 year olds

Contact us

Saturnus and Satellite kindergartens and Peltosaari school's early childhood education unit
Saturn Kindergarten
Saturn Kindergarten
Saturn Kindergarten
Satellite kindergarten
Satellite kindergarten
Saturn Kindergarten