Hirsimäki daycare
Hirsimäki kindergarten has 66 care places. We offer full-day care for 1-5 year olds in four groups.
Our daycare center is open from 6.30:17.00 a.m. to 17.30:XNUMX p.m. and, by special arrangement, until XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. due to parents' work or studies.
Our daycare center strives to offer children a safe, happy and warm daycare place.
Our hope is that the child/child as they grow and develop
- the most positive self-image and self-confidence would be formed
- he could make good friendships
- would learn to follow the jointly agreed rules
- accepts different children and adults
- learns to work as a member of a group and to give others peace of mind to play and work.
The starting point of the operation is always cooperation with the parents, so that we get to know the child and the way the home works with the child. It is important that we gain parents' trust to support our activities. The first and last responsibility for a child always rests with his own parents. We strive to give all possible support and help to parents in their demanding task.
- Kaarnatupa is a group of 3-5 year olds with 21 children, one early childhood education teacher and two early childhood education nannies.
- Käpytupa is a group of children under the age of 3, with 12 children, one early childhood education teacher and two early childhood education nannies.
- Naavatupa is a group of 3-5 year olds with 21 children, two early childhood education teachers and one early childhood education nanny.
- Sammaltupa is a small group of 3-5 year olds with 12 children, one special early childhood education teacher, one early childhood education teacher and two early childhood education nannies.
Contact us
Uusi-Rauva Hanna
Director of the Early Childhood Education Unit
Education and welfare
Majalainen Reetta
Deputy director of the early childhood education unit
Education and welfare
Terhi Joki
Head of early childhood education
Education and welfare
Under 3 years
Education and welfare
Small group
Education and welfare
3–5 year olds
Education and welfare
3–5 year olds
Education and welfare