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Two children are climbing on a climbing frame
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Herajoki daycare

We operate in the premises of the Herajoki school in the Haapala building, together with preschool education and the school's afternoon activities. Herajoki has one early childhood education group for 3-5 year olds.

We make use of the school's versatile yard a lot in everyday life, both with forest trips and field games. We also use the well-equipped school gym.

We practice friendship and interaction skills, emotional and safety skills, as well as everyday basics with activities that encourage the child. Our values ​​are guided by the city of Riihimäki's own and the national early childhood education plan and the Pay attention pedagogy.

  • Our daycare center is open from 6.30:17.00 a.m. to 17.30:XNUMX p.m. and, by special arrangement, until XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. due to parents' work or studies.

  • Our operations are guided by openness, encouragement, equality and a positive atmosphere. We treat all children and families equally, taking their differences into account. We create an atmosphere where everyone can be themselves as an individual and feel proud of themselves. Involvement and child-orientation are the basis for the planning of activities. Robotics, which is the flagship project of the city of Riihimäki, is strongly visible in our everyday life.

    The 5-year-olds in our group serve as the control group of the Ministry of Education and Culture's (OKM) two-year preschool experiment.

  • Mansikat is a group of 3-5 year olds, where an early childhood education teacher and two early childhood education nannies work.

Contact us

Piikinmäki daycare center, Herajoki daycare center and Herajoki school's early childhood education unit
Piikinmäki daycare center, Herajoki daycare center and Herajoki school's early childhood education unit
Piikinmäki daycare center, Herajoki daycare center and Herajoki school's early childhood education unit