- The local curriculum of Riihimäki basic education
- Riihimäki city's basic education timetable 1.8.2024 August 31.7.2026-XNUMX July XNUMX
- Robotics Curriculum
- Evaluation appendix to the municipal curriculum for robotics (Sihy § 107/26.8.2020)
- Curriculum for drama and theater education in Riihimäki elementary school
- Curriculum for a sustainable lifestyle
In all schools, the language starting from the 1st grade of elementary school is English. In the 4th grade of elementary school, a student can start studying German as an optional language, provided that at least 12 students enroll in the group.
In the 6th grade of elementary school, everyone starts with Swedish, and in the 8th grade, German, French, and Russian are offered as optional languages in addition to other optional subjects.
Further studies of languages started in primary school in upper secondary school are guaranteed.
The city's music-focused classes 1–5 operate at Eteläinen school. Studying in a music-focused class starts in the first grade and for the sixth grade you move to Harjunrinne school.
To the pages of the Southern School
To the Harjunrinne school website
Applying for a music-focused class
Applications for the music-focused class are made at the beginning of the spring semester of preschool. You can also apply for music-focused 1st grade from other parts of the city. Guardians of preschoolers will receive a notice that tells how to register for the entrance exams for the music class. Information related to entrance exams can also be found on the city's website. The entrance exam includes easy rhythm and melody reproduction and a song of your choice. A music class is established if there are at least 16 accepted students.
The school place allocated to the music-focused class is a priority (Sios ltk § 9/26.1.2022) and the student has the right to school transport in accordance with the school transport rule if necessary.
If, for example, a student moving from another city aspires to a music-focused class
in the middle of 1st grade
- the class can be filled up to 23 students
- the student must show an interest or passion for music
- the student must take an entrance exam
for 2nd grade
- the class can be expanded to 23 students based on passing the test
- 20p is required for approval
for 3nd grade
- the class can be expanded to 26 students based on passing the test
- 25p is required for approval
4.–5. to class
- the class can be expanded to 26 students based on passing the test.
- 30p is required for approval
Music-focused teaching
Singing is a central activity in elementary school music classes. The used songbook serves as a bridge to different areas of music. The choir is chosen based on the music's own needs, topicality, school celebrations and topics.Calling
The playing software is selected according to the needs of music education. The main instruments are school instruments: rhythm and melody instruments. Piano, guitar, recorder and kantel as well as orchestral instruments are used as student instruments according to the students' requirements.In the spring of 2022, we started cooperation with Riihimäki Music College. Music college teachers start wind instrument lessons for 3rd grade music students. Each student gets his own wind instrument and playing lessons.
The music to be listened to is chosen for different grade levels in such a way that it supports the study of different areas of music and, if possible, subject groups.The basics of music
We mainly deal with basic level 1 issues of the music college; music theory, music analysis and tuning. The history of music goes from ancient times to the 2000st century.
Furthermore, in addition to the national basics, Riihimäki's music-focused classes help develop self-confidence, cooperation and performance skills, skills that are needed in all areas of life.Performance
Performing is also an important part of studying music. If possible, the spring concert is included in the program of music-oriented classes (we are happy to accept performance requests).Music classes tuki ry
Cultural trail is Riihimäki's cultural education plan. It serves as a tool in the implementation of culture, art and cultural heritage education as part of teaching. The joint plan guarantees all children and young people in the city an equal opportunity to experience and do local culture as part of the school day. It also makes it easier for cultural actors to coordinate their own activities.
The information will be updated later.