Uramo school
Uramo school is located in the northern area of Riihimäki. Uramo's daycare center also operates in the same building. In the fall of 2024, the school's student population will increase, when the Haapahuhta school ends. After this, 340 students in grades 1–5 study in our school. For the sixth grade, students move to Pohjolanrinne school. Our school's strengths are modern, flexible study facilities and the use of the latest technology in teaching and learning.
From 8.30:9.15 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
From 9.15:10.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
10.30:11.15–10.30:11.30 or XNUMX:XNUMX–XNUMX:XNUMX (includes meals)
11.15:12.15 a.m.–11.30:12.15 p.m. (meal included) or XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.–XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
From 12.45:13.30 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
From 13.30:14.15 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
From 14.15:15.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.mIntermediate classes
From 10.00:10.30 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
From 12.15:12.45 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.mEating
From 10.30 am to 12.15 pm
The student union board meets about once a month. The board has representatives from each class. The teacher responsible for the activities of the student union is Niina Liukkonen.
Parents of Uramo school can work in the parents' association, the purpose of which is to promote cooperation between parents and the school.
The parents' association organizes events according to the annual action plan.
As needed, the association acquires exercise equipment for use during breaks. In addition, the parents' association participates in the organization of school events in ways desired by the school. In the spring, the association distributes scholarships to meritorious students entering middle school.
The teachers
Class | Teacher |
1A | Lahtinen Erja |
1B | Värtö Alina |
2A | Lindelof Taru |
2B | Lönnrot Sari |
2C | Lindholm as Anni |
3A | Ollikainen Toni |
3B | Ala-Mutka Kirsi |
3C | Ansala Anni |
4A | Lahten County Riga |
4B | Niina Liukkonen |
4C | Mikkola Riku |
4D | Maunula Taina |
5A | Cape Minna |
5B | A Finnish fairy tale |
5C | Parthian Tapani |
5D | Koistinen Rauna |
Special education | Cantonese Irene |
Special education | Pitkänen-Kettunen Päivi |
Special education | Halmetoj Kaisu |
Rehabilitation group | Lievonen Jarkko |
EsiA Tiaiset | Vehervaara Sari |
EsiB Koskelot | Nummela Virpi |
EsiC Sirriäites | Hellberg Chip |
Contact us
Mutta Jyrki
Education and welfare