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Pohjolanrinte school building
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Pohjolanrinne school

Pohjolanrintine school is located in the immediate vicinity of Riihimäki Sports Park at Pohjolankatu 8. Our school has approximately 460 students in grades 6-9. In connection with our school, there is a common rehabilitative class of middle schools. The values ​​of Pohjolanrinne school are respect, responsibility and justice. Our goal is a good and safe everyday life, which we build through high-quality basic education and community spirit. We Polarians are on the side of the young!

Like other schools in Riihimäki, we use the electronic Wilma system, where you can find school announcements and other matters related to school days. As exercise facilities, we use the adjacent Sports Hall and Sports Park. Our school's ballroom is available in the evenings for various events.


On September 2, 1963, a middle school, Riihimäki co-educational school, started operating in Riihimäki. At first, the school did not have its own teaching space and lessons were held e.g. at the fire station and the youth center.

The current school building, designed by architect Raimo Valjaka, was completed on the side of Pohjolankatu and near the Sports Park in 1967. The building was immediately admired for its architecture and space. Raimo Valjakka was a Finnish architect who designed several public buildings in different parts of Finland, for example in Hyvinkää.

The first high school students graduated from Riihimäki co-educational school in 1971. With the reform of the elementary school, the name of the school changed in 1978 to Pohjolanrinne middle and high school. In 1994, Pohjolanrinne high school and Riihimäki high school were merged and high school teaching moved away from this school building.

The Pohjolanrinne school was renovated in the school year 2007-2008. However, the school's appearance retained the atmosphere and colors of the time the school was founded, even though the school was equipped with the latest teaching technology and the facilities required for modern teaching.


  • Episodes

    1st period 8.8.–13.10.2024
    2st period 14.10.–29.12.2024
    3rd period 30.12.2024–16.3.2025
    4st period 17.3.–31.5.2025

  • In Riihimäki, the Kanta-Häme welfare area, or Oma Häme, is responsible for student care services. You can reach the student care staff by Wilma message, phone or email.


    Pohjolanrinne school's student care staff:


    School health nurse Ninni Lindholm

    tel. 050 599 4622


    School curator Johanna Junes

    tel. 050 380 7299


    School psychologist Essi Suomela 

    tel. 041 312 3736


    School physiotherapist Jenna Huikuri

    tel. 040 330 5703

  • We organize clubs during the school year and announce them on the school bulletin board and Wilma messages. The clubs of the Suomen Harrastaminen model are announced in Wilma.

  • The city and parish youth counselors form school-specific working pairs, called school sponsors. During the weekly visits, you can talk with the youth counselor about matters related to free time, hobbies, friendships or really anything else. Or you can just go and play with them!

    Weekly visits on Thursdays from 10.45:12.20 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.

    Heikki Leväniemi (Youth services of the city of Riihimäki)
    p. 040 330 4715

    Riku Saario (Riihimäki Parish)
    p. 050 469 470


  • Parents of Pohjolanrinne school students are invited to participate in the activities of the parents' association! The first meeting is on Wednesday 4.9.2024 September 18.00 at XNUMX:XNUMX at the school.

    The parents' association promotes cooperation between school and home and participates in community study care, supporting the well-being of the entire school community. The parents' association organizes events and occasions to enrich everyday school life.


The teachers

Teacher ClassSchool subject
Akkanen HannaAhhh9Amusic
Basement PirittaLower PiSpecial class teacher of a rehabilitative class
Antinsalo MikaelAntMicraft: robotics
Anttola LauraAntLa9DFinnish language and literature, drama
Bister IncaBisInexercise, Health Information
Haataja TiinaHaTistudy guidance
Heino HeikkiHiHe8Cmathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy
Huhtala Pekka HuhFri8Emathematics
Husu PirjoHusPi7lkspecial education
Ihatsu MauraIhaMareligion: Orthodox
Isotalo Eeva-LeenaIsoEe7Freligion
Noble HannuJalHahistory, social studies
Järvinen KaisaJärkadomestic science
Karelian HilkkaTendrilmathematics, physics, chemistry
Kaski AriKasArcraft: hard materials
Beautiful MaijaKauMa8BEnglish
Kayhan Järvinen ZeynepJarZe6Dclass teacher, health information, exercise
Eastern VenlaKoiVe6Bclass teacher, outlook on life information, household
Officer AnneWhen An8Dbiology geography
Vilma KoistinenKoiViexercise, Health Information
Lahti PäiviSaturdayEnglish, Swedish
Johanna from LahtinGermany
Lamberg PaulinaLambFrance
Leppänen Kati LepKa6Cclassroom teaching, craft: soft materials
Lottonen SariLotSaFinnish language and literature, drama
Majaranta Heini MajHe8Amathematics, information technology, robotics
Matilainen SuviMatSu8lkspecial education, vice principal
Mattheiszen DelayMatVidomestic science
Thoughtful LauriUnkHehistory
Mikkola HannaMikHaOTE teaching
Mikkola MaijuMikMadomestic science
Moller JohannaMolJo6lkspecial education
Nieminen PirjoNiePi9BEnglish, German
Niskanen Elina NisEl9ESwedish, English
Noranta-Lantto BlueNorSi6Eclassroom teaching, history, social studies
Nurmesniemi TuijaNurTu6Aclassroom teaching, special education
Ohtonen AkiOhtAk9Cphysics chemistry
Paul's MarikaPauMa7Abiology, geography
Chest AnitaRinAnprincipal
Word mountain Miia
Finnish as a second language - teaching
Laura from SavoiaSavLa7BFinnish language and literature, drama
Skog MarianneSkomaresource teacher
Living room MaijaTavMavisual arts
Toivanen VirpiToiVi9lkspecial education
Valkevuori MarjaValMadomestic science
Barrier MariaValMa7Ddomestic science
Viilomaa SirpaFivemathematics
Mountain JustusVuoJu7ESwedish
Zaki Hannareligion: Islam

Classes and class supervisors

ClassClass supervisor
6ANurmesniemi Tuija
6BEastern Venla
6CLeppänen Kati
6DKayhan Järvinen Zeynep
6ENoranta-Lantto Blue
7APaul's Marika
7BLaura from Savoia
7CLiving room Maija
7DBarrier Maria
7EMountain Justus
7FIsotalo Eeva-Leena
8AMajaranta Heini
8BBeautiful Maija
8CHeino Heikki
8DOfficer Anne
8EHuhtala Pekka
9AAkkanen Hanna
9BNieminen Pirjo
9COhtonen Aki
9DAnttola Laura
9ENiskanen Elina

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