Ojaniemi Sirkka
Education and welfare
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Patastenmäki School is a traditional school in the eastern area of Riihimäki. The school's students study in two buildings, Jukola and Tiilikoulu, but thanks to the godparent class activity, the younger and older students get to know each other. During the year, there are also events common to everyone, for the whole house, in which the preschoolers are also involved as appropriate.
At the Jukola school in Patastenmäki students in elementary grades 1–2, and it works in Jukola's Multipurpose Center with the kindergarten and parish clubs. The Jukola house (Palojoentie 2) was commissioned in 1990 and renovated in 2005. Jukola also has afternoon activities for 1st-2nd graders after school days.
Patastenmäki Brick School (built in 1957, renovated in 2004) students in 3rd-5th grades, and it is located in the middle of an old residential area at Patastenmäentie 42.
The brick school's predecessor, Patastenmäki Puukoulu, was built in 1924. The year 2024 is Patsku's 100th anniversary year!
Our school has more than 250 students in grades 1-5. In the sixth grade, students move to Harjunrinne school. The strengths of our school's activities are physical education and environmental education, as the Uhkola sports fields, the Peltosaari sports park and the Vahteristo nature reserve are nearby. Since everywhere else is some distance from us, we move from place to place by bike from an early age. In winter, we ski as often as possible.
Our electronic communication system between home and school is Wilma, where you can find, among other things, the student's study information, direct message links to teachers, and school and class bulletins. Guardians must create Wilma IDs for themselves through Suomi.fi identification.
Fall semester 8.8 August–20.12.2024 December XNUMX
Spring semester 7.1 January–31.5.2025 June XNUMX
Saturday working day 7.9.2024 September 2.5.2025 (*substitute day off XNUMX May XNUMX)
autumn holiday 14.–20.10.2024 (week 42)
Independence Day 6.12.2024 December XNUMX
Christmas vacation 21.12.2024 December 6.1.2025–XNUMX January XNUMX
winter holiday 17.–23.2.2025 (week 8)
Easter 18.–21.4.2025
May Day 1.5.2025 May 2.5.2025 and Fri XNUMX May XNUMX *
Maundy Thursday 29.5.2025 May XNUMX
The lesson lasts 60 minutes, including the break. During the breaks, we go outside to exercise and get some fresh air. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather so that the outdoor activity is enjoyable.
Students eat lunch from 10.15:12.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. according to a separate schedule.
School attendance counselors work in close cooperation with teachers. The school attendance counselors are there to support the students in guiding and anticipating the right actions and helping with learning challenges and possible treatment measures. Sometimes the instructor has to work a considerable amount with certain students, but the goal is for the students' skills to accumulate and for the instructor to be able to help the entire group and flexibly work with different teachers.
The school visit counselors can be contacted via Wilma, through the teachers and by phone:
Two students from each class are elected to the Student Council or Apprenticeship. Oppis meets approximately every couple of weeks and proposes, ideas and takes a stand on current issues, i.e. influences the school's activities in a representative way. There are often things related to comfort and activities on display.
2+2 of the representatives of the student union also participate in the meetings of the city's children's parliament three times a year.
Patastenmäki's Jukola school works in cooperation with the kindergarten Jukola committee and Patastenmäki Brick School Tiilari Committee.
The committees are not registered associations, but the core group is very energetic and committed. The common wish in both Jukola and Tiilari would be to involve new guardians as well as those who have been with the little one more actively.
Planning meetings will be announced on Wilma and other communication channels, e.g. Through Facebook, and all parents belong to these communities through their children. Committees can organize recreational activities for school children, both during school hours and outside of school hours. With the help of possible fundraising, various purchases are made for the pleasure and benefit of the students. The committees are also considered a way for parents to cooperate and get to know each other.
Welcome to meetings and events!
Class | Teacher |
1A Vaahteramäki | Salminen Päivi |
1B Kissankulma | Saksholm Riga |
1-2 AB Metsäkulma | Halonen Anne |
2A Rose Valley | Sandell Jaana |
2B Cherry Valley | Kuusela Anneli |
3A Lynxes | Valkevuori Kirsi |
3B Foxes | Jaara Terhi |
4A Otters | Come on Perttu |
4B Hedgehogs | Nikkola Terhi |
5A Flies | Putkonen Hanna-Mari |
5B Whisperers | Samuelsson Susanna/ Haapasalo Joni |
Special education teacher | Grönroos Erna |
Special education teacher | Korhonen Anne |
Education and welfare
The phone number of Jukola's teacher in charge
Ojaniemi Sirkka, Principal
Patastenmäentie 42, 11130 Riihimäki
Patastenmäentie 42, 11130 Riihimäki
The phone number of the teacher in charge of Tiiliskoulu
Ojaniemi Sirkka, Principal
School curator
Kanta-Häme welfare area, Oma Häme
School nurse
Riihimäki regional health center municipal association
School secretary
Education and welfare
Riihimäki city basic education rules from 1.8.2024 August XNUMX
The purpose and application of the order rules
The basic education in the city of Riihimäki follows valid Finnish legislation. (1)
The rules are valid in the school area and during school hours, when the student participates in teaching or other school activities according to the teaching or school year plan. The school area refers to the school building and the grounds belonging to it.
It is the teacher's or principal's duty to inform the guardian and/or other authorities of violations that come to their attention during the school day or school trip.
The purpose of the order rules is to promote the school's internal order, the unobstructed flow of studies, and the safety and comfort of the school community. Riihimäki city's basic education rules can be supplemented with school-specific canteen and recess rules.
Student rights
The student has the right to free basic education, the right to equal and equal treatment, the right to personal freedom and integrity, and the right to the protection of private life. (2)
The student has the right to be heard in matters concerning him.
Student's responsibilities
The student has an obligation to participate in the lesson, unless he has been granted permission to be absent.
The student must perform the assigned tasks conscientiously and behave in a matter-of-fact manner. The student must behave without bullying or discriminating against others, and act in such a way that he does not endanger himself or the safety or health of other students, the school community or the study environment.
Good behavior and comfort
The student must behave properly and follow good manners. The physical and psychological integrity of a member of the school community must not be violated. Bullying is prohibited.
During the school day, no outerwear or headgear is worn indoors (in lessons, in the canteen and at school events). Outerwear is stored in the designated places. The school is not responsible for the clothes and personal property stored in the lockers and there is no supervision over them.
Workplaces in the city of Riihimäki, including schools, are fragrance-free.
In upper grades, students can bring a healthy snack to school to enjoy during the school day. In lower grades, the class teacher gives instructions on bringing a snack to school. You may not bring energy drinks to school. Treats are only allowed with the teacher's permission.
Safety and movement
All members of the school community are obliged to report any faults or deficiencies they observe in school property, learning materials and the school environment. Inside the school, people move around on foot.
During recess, the school's recess rules are followed.
You can do business alone in the school toilets.
Cycling on the school grounds is prohibited. Bicycles and motor vehicles are placed in the area designated for them, and their use is prohibited in the interim.
It is forbidden to leave the school grounds without a teaching-related or other justified reason.
Caring for cleanliness and the environment
All members of the school community are obliged to take care of the school's cleanliness, property, learning materials and their own belongings, and to respect the property of others. The student is obliged to compensate for the damage he has caused by breaking the school rules or intentionally.
Littering and messing up places is prohibited.
Use of mobile devices
Electronic devices are used in accordance with the school's instructions and the instructions of the lesson teacher.
Mobile devices are kept silent and vibration-free in a backpack or bag, and may not be used or displayed during lessons, meals and school events without the teacher's permission. Disruptive use of mobile devices during the school day is prohibited.
A photo or video taken of another person may not be published or distributed without permission. In the case of a minor, a guardian's permission is required for publication.
Substances and dangerous objects
Substances considered dangerous may not be brought to school. Dangerous substances include alcohol, narcotics, tobacco products and e-cigarettes.
Bringing, using and possessing dangerous or property-damaging objects or substances is prohibited during school hours in all situations and premises related to school attendance.
A student who violates the school's rules of order will primarily be assigned to an educational discussion. He can be given a follow-up session, a written warning from the principal or expelled from the school for a specified period of time. The punishment given is recorded and archived.
A disruptive student can be removed from the classroom, school event or school area by the teacher or principal. The school principal decides on the refusal of teaching for the rest of the day or the following day.
A student who neglects his homework can be assigned to complete the neglected tasks during the school day or after school.
The teacher or principal can order the student to clean or reorganize school property or space that he/she has intentionally or negligently soiled or disordered.
Based on suspicion based on reliable observation, the teacher and the principal have the right to check whether the student is in possession of objects or substances that endanger safety. The headmaster or teacher can take possession of objects or substances that disturb or are dangerous to teaching, if necessary.
Monitoring, checking and informing of the rules of procedure
The organizational rules are kept visible and available.
1 Basic Education Act http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/1998/19980628
2 Constitution of Finland (731/1999)