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Lasitehdas school
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Lasitehdas school

Glass factory school is located next to the old glass factory, the Finnish Museum of Glass and the Metsästysmusueo. The school has basic education grades 1-5, a small group of individualized education (YPR), a small group of those who need special support, a group of preparatory education and a group of preschool education. In the sixth grade, our students move to Kara middle school.

Lasitehdas school was founded in 1915. The original school building has been demolished and replaced by the building called Valkoinen talo, completed in 1991. The Blue house was completed in 1955 and was renovated in 1992. The Gray house was brought to the site in the summer of 2014.

The school's strengths are the small school's opportunity for almost everyone to know each other, the staff's joint action and educational responsibility, as well as classes equipped with smart boards and a framework for robotics. We are located in a quiet and pleasant area and we have good outdoor and indoor exercise opportunities. Our strengths are also the proximity to the city center, museums and forests.

The glassblowing club holds tutoring classes for 4th graders a couple of times a year, during which students get to know the history and traditions of glassblowing under the guidance of club members and participate in glassblowing workshops in nearby glass cabins.

  • Lessons

    From 8.15:9.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
    From 9.00:9.45 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
    10.15:12.00–XNUMX:XNUMX includes meals
    From 12.30:13.15 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
    From 13.15:14.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m

    Intermediate classes

    From 9.45:10.15 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
    From 12.00:12.30 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m

  • The goal of the student union is to inspire students to influence the affairs of the school community. All students are members of the student union and the school community. The student union board is a body elected by voting, which represents all the school's students.

    Through the student union, students have the opportunity to make their voices heard in matters concerning them and influence the development of the school community.

    At Glass Factory School, the student union board is called Alias. Two members from each class have been chosen as aliases by voting.

  • Parents' association activities are activities organized by parents for the benefit of all children in the school. It is diverse voluntary work that promotes children's growth, learning and well-being, which also brings joy to its creators.

    The parents' association of Lasitehtaa school meets regularly at the school, and annually organizes, among other things, Aleksi's market.

    You can contact Lasitehta's parents' association at:

The teachers

1AVäisänen Tiina
2AKojo Maija, principal
3ARouvali Heidi
4AVehmas Maija
5AMalinen Taija, vice principal
YPR AZiemann Merle, special education teacher
YPR BIkonen Oskari, special class teacher
1.-5. pageHimanen Tuija, special education teacher
Small groupMerja Ylönen-Leino, special class teacher
Preparatory classLamminpää Minna

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