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Kara school building
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Kara school

Kara school is located in the immediate vicinity of the center of Riihimäki, at the address Kalevankatu 13–17. About 475 students in grades 6–9 study in our school. The Omaura class intended for 9th graders with a focus on work placement also operates under the management of the Kara school.

Like other schools in Riihimäki, we use the electronic Wilma system, where you can find school bulletins and other matters related to school days. Our school's gymnasiums are used in the evening by various hobby groups.

Charlotta Lydecken founded the school in 1857 in Sortavala. The school was intended as a Swedish-speaking girls' school, which also accepted boys as students. In 1904, the school became Sortavala Suomalainen Tyttokoulu, and in connection with it, advanced classes leading to university were founded in 1908. After the second evacuation trip in 1944, the school became Riihimäki Tyttolyseo. The girls' high school first operated in the premises of the Riihimäki high school (now Riihimäki high school) until it was able to move to its own school building in 1956. The school was changed to the Kara joint high school in 1971. With the reform of the elementary school in 1976, the high school classes were combined with the Riihimäki high school. Kara middle school continued to operate, since 1994 it was called Kara school. The renovated school building was commissioned in 2010.

  • Welcome to the activities of the Kara school's parent committee!

    The next meeting of Kara's parent committee will be held in September 2024

    Feel free to join in and influence the school enjoyment of the young people studying at Kara's school!

    More information: Headmaster Olli Selin 040 330 4565

  • The city and parish youth counselors form school-specific working pairs, called school sponsors. During the weekly visits, you can talk with the youth counselor about matters related to free time, hobbies, friendships or really anything else. Or you can just go and play with them!

    Weekly visits on Wednesdays from 10.50:12.20 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. in the upper lobby.


    In Riihimäki, the Kanta-Häme welfare area, or Oma Häme, is responsible for student care services. You can reach the student care staff by Wilma message, phone or email.

    Kara school's study care staff:

    School health nurse Terhi Turkulainen
    tel. 050 593 9511

    School curator Nina Kökkö
    tel. 040 330 4458

    School psychologist Ritva Koivusaari
    tel. 040 330 4236

The teachers

TeacherControl classSchool subject
Selin OlliPrincipal, History
Ahoniemi Marjo6Dclassroom teaching, mathematics
Alapelto Kati9Bnative language and literature
Antinsalo Mikaelcraft, robotics
Aunola Suvi9Dmathematics, physics, chemistry
Eve Iris7Bhandicraft
Grusander Risto-Matti8Eexercise
Hietala Maria8Dexercise, Health Information
Hirvonen Sami8Bmathematics, physics, chemistry
Holma Jenni-Kaisanative language and literature
Honkavuori Elina6Bclass teaching, Health information
Dear Ville6Especial education, craft
Ijäs-Paavola Tarjastudent guidance
Jarho MaaritFrance
Riverside Ilona9Dreligion
Julen AnneliMusic
Lake Evestudy obligation coordinator
Järvinen Kaisa9Cdomestic science
Karikytö Katariinabiology geography
Kaski Arihandicraft
Kilpijärvi Summerhistory, social studies
Golden Tiia8ASwedish, German
Officer Annebiology geography
Johanna from LahtinGermany
Lehtonen Piia6Aclass teaching, life outlook information
Lind Anna-Sofia9Fnative language and literature
Lottonen Olavi7Amathematics, physics, chemistry
Louhevirta Juha7DEnglish, Swedish
Created by Susanna9Evisual arts
Mikkola Maiju8Cdomestic science
Nyman's Ninaspecial education
Grouse Topi9Abiology geography
Olli Timomathematics, physics, chemistry, IT
Paul's Marikabiology geography
Punkanen Jaana7Fspecial education
Romppanen Saara6Cclassroom teaching, history, social studies
Sarkkola Leena9Gspecial education, knowledge of outlook on life
I hope Mariastudent guidance
New house Emiliaspecial education
Varjonen Olli-Pekka7EEnglish, Swedish
Mountain JustusSwedish

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