Harjunrinne school
Senior common room
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Harjunrinne school is located in the center of Riihimäki at Kalevankatu 3. Our school has about 540 students in grades 6–9. Harjunrinne school also has music-focused classes. One teaching group of the school studies at the Mäkikuja family support center.
Like other schools in Riihimäki, we use the electronic Wilma system, where you can find, among other things, school announcements and other matters related to school days. Our school has an active robotics club, we are a Green Flag school and participate in several international projects.
Harjunrinne school started its operations as a continuing school in 1930. In 1951, a school building designed by architect G. Jägerroos was completed on Kalevankatu, which initially housed a secondary school and civic school classes in addition to the continuing school. The post-secondary school changed to the Citizens' School in 1957 and the school had vocationally oriented wood, handicraft, household and trade lines. The civic school became the Harjunrinne school in 1976 when the elementary school came to Riihimäki. The renovated school building was commissioned in 2013.
Fall semester 8.8 August–20.12.2024 December XNUMX
Spring semester 7.1 January–31.5.2025 June XNUMX
In the academic year 2023 – 2024, we will participate in several international projects.
The city and parish youth counselors form school-specific working pairs, called school sponsors. During the weekly visits, you can talk with the youth counselor about matters related to free time, hobbies, friendships or really anything else. Or you can just go and play with them!
In Riihimäki, the Kanta-Häme welfare area, or Oma Häme, is responsible for student care services.
Learning and well-being support
Harjunrinne school's study support staff:
School health nurse Riikka Ranta
tel. 050 592 3214
School curator Mikko Saikkonen
tel. 040 330 4457
Physiotherapist Saana Mäkelä
Harava acts as a cooperation body between teachers, staff, students and students' parents. All activities are based on voluntariness. We, the people of Harava, hope that as many parents as possible will participate in the activity. The association does not collect membership fees. Harava belongs to the Finnish parents' association.
All parents are welcome to join the activity!
Teacher | Control class | School subject | |
Aho Anniina | AhoAn | 7B | exercise, camping |
Antinsalo Mikael | AntMi | handicraft | |
Iris Eve | EevIi | handicraft | |
Eloranta Fanny | EloFa | 9F | special education |
Hakulinen Meira | HakMe | 9H | religion (ev.lut), Terveystieto |
Happonen Riikka-Miina | HapRi | domestic science | |
Mautala Svetlana | HauSv | 6-9V | preparatory education |
Huhdanpää Maarit | Huh Ma | 9B | mathematics, physics, chemistry |
Kaasinen Minna | Coil | mother tongue (Finnish), drama | |
Kannosto Veera | KanVe | special education | |
Karikytö Katariina | KarKa | 7C | biology, geographic information, health information |
Karelian Thuja | KarTu | 8B | mathematics, physics |
Kaski Ari | KasAr | handicraft | |
Kemppi Rosa | KemRo | special education | |
Accountant Katja | KonKa | 6A | class teacher, craft |
Liisa Korhonen | CorLi | 6H | class teacher, physical education, Health Information |
Kortelahti Eero | Korea | robotics, visual arts, social studies | |
Shout out to Miia | KouMi | 7F | special education |
Golden Tiia | Kult | Germany | |
Kuusela Henna-Riina | MoonHe | 7H | music |
Six Sanna | Moon | 8H | mathematics, chemistry |
Teemu Laasanen | Download | concurrent teacher | |
Lahti Sari | LahSa | 6D | class teacher, mother tongue (Finnish) |
Johanna from Lahtin | LahJo | 8E | English, Swedish, German |
Lamberg Paulina | Lamb | France | |
Latostenmaa Virpi | Latvia | 7A | English |
Lind Anna-Sofia | LinAn | mother tongue (Finnish) | |
Salmon Anne | LohAn | 7D | mathematics, physics |
Louekari Maria | LouMa | visual arts | |
Luotonen Tuomas | created | 8F | special education |
Malvikko Suvi-Päivi | MalSu | physics chemistry | |
Mattheiszen Delay | MatVi | 8C | household, Terveystieto |
Thoughtful Lauri | MieLa | history, social studies, knowledge of outlook on life | |
Mikkola Maiju | MikMa | domestic science | |
Moberg Jukka | MobJu | 7B | exercise |
Naumanen Minna | NauMa | 8D | English, Swedish |
Nyman Hanna | NymHa | 6 to 9G | special education |
Ocher Saija | Okay, got it | history | |
Halfway Dani | PuDa | religion (orthodox) | |
Beach Anu | RanAnu | 6B | Class teacher |
Riikonen Katri | Riga | on leave | |
Salmenius Emmi | SalEm | 6 to 9G | special education |
Vocabulary Miia | SanMi | S2 education | |
Hello Anna | SarAn | -6 9M | special education |
Stigell Liisa | Stili | 8A | mother tongue (Finnish) |
Tannin Risto | TanRi | 9C | biology, geography, camping |
Tarkiainen Emmi | TarEm | on leave | |
Brick Emma | YehEm | Swedish | |
Tommola Ida | TomId | 9A | English |
Tuoriniemi Tiina | TuoTi | 9E | mother tongue (Finnish) |
Valkevuori Marja | ValMa | 9D | household, Terveystieto |
Barrier Maria | Valmar | domestic science | |
Old Vesa | VanVe | social studies | |
Watery Aulis | VetAu | student guidance | |
Viilomaa Sirpa | Five | mathematics, physics, vice principal | |
Värtö Irmeli | ColorIr | special education | |
Ylipekkala Antti | YliAn | 6C | class teacher, physical education |
Zaki Hanna | ZakHa | religion (islam) |
Senior common room
Education and welfare
School secretary
Education and welfare
Education and welfare