Eteläinen koulu
040 575 8660 (staff, teachers' room)
050 500 1655 (office)
050 342 1805 (afternoon activity)
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Eteläinen school is located in the immediate vicinity of the center of Riihimäki, at Lopentie 11. Our school has about 300 students in grades 1–5. In the sixth grade, students move to Kara school, and students in the music-focused class move to Harjunrinne school. The southern school therefore has music-focused classes. Applications for music-focused teaching are made in the spring of the preschool year. In addition to music-focused teaching, our school's strengths are ecology and physical activity. Our school is also an anti-bullying school. All these priorities can be seen in the activities of the Eteläinen school every day.
Like other schools in Riihimäki, we use the electronic Wilma system, where you can find, among other things, school announcements and other matters related to school days. Our school also organizes afternoon activities, the primary target group of which are first and second graders.
Eteläinen school has started its operations as Riihimäki Herajoki school in 1903, when the first 45 students were admitted to the school. The number of students grew rapidly and a new school building was built for the school in 1907. The white school building, on the other hand, was completed in 1932, the yellow stone school is from 1958 and the new extension was completed in 1998. The old part of the Eteläinen school and the old wooden school are valuable in terms of cityscape and protected.
8.10-9.40 Lesson
9.40-10.05 Break
10.05-12.00 Lesson, includes meal 25 min.
12.00-12.25 Break
12.25–13.10 Lesson
Flexible transition 0-5 min
At 13.10:13.55-13.15:14.00 or XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX:XNUMX Lesson
14.00:14.45-XNUMX:XNUMX Lesson
From 9.40:10.05 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
From 12.00:12.25 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
gradually from 10.30:12.00 a.m. to 25:XNUMX p.m., XNUMX min.
All students at our school belong to the student union. Representatives from each class are elected to the student council, which plans and implements activities and enables students to participate in the development of the school's activities. The activity of the student council is guided by the teacher.
The first music classes started at Eteläinen kouli in 1982. After a few years, the Musiikkilöukkien Tuki ry was founded to support the activities of these classes and to promote cooperation between homes and music classes. The association, which is over 30 years old, is still active and works closely with the school.
Anyone who wants to support the activities of music classes can become a member of the association. Most of the members are parents of music students. Become a member by paying the association's membership fee of €10 or the support membership fee of €15 to account FI20 4262 1120 0219 88.
The association's activities are managed by a board, to which two parents' representatives from each music class are always elected at the beginning of the school year. Association meetings are open to all members. The school's representation is always included in the meetings.
The Music Classes Support Association assists the school in the practical arrangements of school concerts, participates in the costs of concerts and other trips for music students, acquires instruments and other materials needed for teaching, and organizes concerts and workshops for students to support music education. In addition, the association can grant a subsidy for the school travel expenses of a student in music class, if he has lost the right to school transportation based on a secondary school placement decision. The association aims to influence and maintain the discussion about the continuity of music class activities in the future as well.
Membership fees paid by parents of music students and concert proceeds are the association's sources of income. In addition, the association organizes various events such as school discos and concert cafés to raise funds. The association has also received some grants or donations to support music class activities.
You can get more information about the association's activities and detailed contact information by email at the address and on the Facebook page Riihimäki Musiikkiluukkien Tuki ry.
Class | Teacher 2024-2025 |
1A | Tribe Laura |
1B | Sankari Anja |
1C | Copper Terhi |
2A | Mäkelä Sonja |
2B | Bitter Niina |
2C | Välimäki Minna |
3A | Linnalaakso Aaro |
3B | Eronen Jukka |
3C | Hämäläinen Marja |
4A | Allred Päivi |
4B | Haara Essi |
4C | Kiikkala Katja |
5A | Hakamäki Kaisu |
5B | Antti Tillman |
1-3 person small group | Virkkala Minna |
4-5 person small group | Kolehmaine Jenni |
a wide-ranging special education teacher | Lehtiniemi Eija |
040 575 8660 (staff, teachers' room)
050 500 1655 (office)
050 342 1805 (afternoon activity)
Education and welfare
School secretary
Education and welfare
School psychologist
Kanta-Häme welfare area, Oma Häme
School curator
Kanta-Häme welfare area, Oma Häme