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a boy walking with a backpack on his back

School transport

School transportation is granted upon application to the pupil's nearby school, if the conditions on which the grant is based are met. The criteria are the length of the trip to school, the danger, strain and difficulty, taking into account the age of the student. School transportation is arranged according to the basis of Section 32 of the Basic Education Act. School transportation is granted from the address according to the student's population register.


School transportation is granted if the length of the school trip is in pre-school or 1st–3rd grade. a grade student over three kilometers and a 4th-9th grader. with a class student more than five kilometers. The map service on the website of the city of Riihimäki is used to measure the length of the school trip. The journey to school is measured using the shortest pedestrian route.

School transportation starts in the fall on the first day of school. The aim is to organize school transport primarily by public transport, supplemented by minibuses and taxis.

Transport schedules and routes are centrally planned by the urban engineering transport coordinator. School transport applications and decisions are processed in the administration of the educational services of the education department. The granting and organization of school transport is explained in more detail in the school transport regulation, which the Riihimäki city board of education and welfare has approved in its meeting § 124 on February 6.11.2024, XNUMX.

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