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A schoolchild learning with the teacher's guidance.
Photo: Pekka Hovi

Home and school cooperation

Schools regularly cooperate with homes' of the pupils. Forms of cooperation between home and the school include, for example, the introduction day for school entrants and the related parents' meeting, parents' evenings, personal meetings with guardians, school parties and joint events, open house days and excursions. The aim of these forms of cooperation is for parents to become familiar with the school's activities and for guardians to be given the opportunity to influence and be heard in matters concerning the student.

Open atmosphere and close cooperation

An open atmosphere between home and school is a prerequisite for the success of home-school cooperation. The starting point is that teachers and parents trust each other's desire to support the child. This way, as equal adults, they can look for the best for the child in different situations.

Close cooperation, especially in difficult situations, is essential. It succeeds when the parents or the teacher do not feel that they are being blamed, but feel that they get support from each other in their own educational or teaching tasks. In problem situations, the guardian can get consulting help not only from the teacher but also from the student care staff.

The joint parents' association of the entire city

In the fall of 2023, a discussion event was held in Riihimäki, where the wish to establish a common registered parents' association in the municipality came up. A working group was assembled from the parents, which prepared the establishment of the association and the founding meeting. The founding meeting of the parents' association was held at Riihimäki high school on 14.11.2023 November XNUMX.

Development of cooperation

Modes of operation

  • Open school principle: Parents are welcome to the school, open days, parents' participation in the everyday life of the school, for example as supervisors at night school or camp school, as course experts, volunteer activities, etc.
  • Personal meetings with guardians.
  • Assessment discussions involving the guardians and the student.
  • HOJKS and learning plan drafting meetings, in which, in addition to the previous ones, other possible experts are included according to agreement. The guardian has the opportunity to get information about their child's abilities and learning difficulties, as well as the possibilities at home to help the child with schoolwork.
  • Parents' evenings for the whole school, one class or certain grade levels.
  • Information sessions for parents: The school can organize information sessions for parents, for example during the transitional or joint phase. This means a phase in which subject content changes or expands or new subjects are added, for example moving to higher grade levels, choosing a language, etc.
  • Parents' associations and committees are encouraged to act in line with the school's goals and independently. Free-form events strengthen the spirit of togetherness and introduce parents to each other. Teachers can participate in the activity as agreed for each school.
  • Parents have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the basic education of the city of Riihimäki and give feedback on the school's curriculum, for example in the online service.

Additional information