Afternoon activity
There is a constant demand for school children's afternoon activities. The electronic application can be found in the eDaisy transaction service. If the afternoon activity places at the school you applied for are already full, you will be contacted by phone after submitting your application.
Paid afternoon activities are organized from Monday to Friday immediately after school either until 16 or 17 pm. The target group of the activity is students in grades 1–2 and students in grades 3–5 for whom a special support decision has been made, as well as students with extended compulsory education. Afternoon activities are not organized during holidays during the school year.
Afternoon activities are guided free time activities and are intended primarily for students in the 1st-2nd grade and those who have received a special support decision. Vacancies in the spring application will be filled in the order of application during the academic year as long as there are enough places.
In the middle of the school year, you can inquire about places from the early childhood education secretary.
You can apply for the afternoon activity electronically in the eDaisy transaction service.
Selection criteria when filling afternoon activity positions:
- 1st grade students for whom a special support decision was made.
- 1st grade general education students.
- Pupils in grades 2-5 who have a special support decision or a recommendation for a place based on pupil welfare grounds.
- 2st grade general education students.
If there are more received applications than offered places, a lottery will be held in accordance with the order mentioned above. If, for example, after the students who have received a decision for special support in the 1st-2nd grade, all willing 2nd-grade general education students cannot be offered an afternoon activity place, a lottery will be held among the students for free places. Students without a place will then be drawn for alternate places in the order according to the selection criteria.
Applications received after the application deadline will be placed last in their group according to their selection criteria.
Two early childhood education representatives are responsible for the draw.
Fee charged for afternoon activities in academic year 2024–25
- 16 euros per month for activities lasting 123,35 p.m.
- 17 euros per month for activities lasting until 148,30 p.m.
If the child is involved in the activity for even one day in a month, the entire month's fee is charged.
If the child is absent from the afternoon activity due to illness for more than 10 working days during the calendar month, half of the monthly fee will be charged. If the child is absent for all the operating days of the calendar month due to illness, no fee is charged for this month at all. A medical certificate is required for a fee reduction due to illness.
If the child is absent for reasons other than illness, half of the fee will be charged.
You can apply for an exemption from the afternoon activity fee for financial reasons. The application can be made using an income statement form in the eDaisy transaction service. The fee exemption right can be checked during the academic year.
The Riihimäki city board of education and welfare decides on the monthly fees for the afternoon activities.
Information about the fee exemption for afternoon activities:
The Education and Welfare Board § 41/3.4.2019 has decided that the activity will be exempted from payment for the same period as the family has been granted basic income support by Kela's decision or the family has been granted supplementary or preventive income support by the decision of the city's social services.
The family must return the income support decision as an attachment to the application form as a basis for payment exemption. If the family's information changes during the operating period, the service supervisor at the early childhood education office must be notified. The applications are processed in such a way that any payment exemption becomes effective from the beginning of the month following the receipt of the application.
The guardian can terminate the afternoon activity position in the middle of the academic year electronically in the eDaisy transaction service. In this case, the payment for the afternoon activity ends at the end of the month of notice.
More information
Järvinen Tiina
Secretary of Early Childhood Education
Education and welfare
Kock Timo
Early childhood education office worker
Education and welfare
Terhi Joki
Head of early childhood education
Education and welfare
Eteläinen koulu
Afternoon activity
Education and welfare
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Afternoon activity
Education and welfare
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Afternoon activity
Education and welfare
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Afternoon activity
Education and welfare
Peltosaaren koulu
Afternoon activity
Education and welfare
Pohjoinen koulu
Afternoon activity
Education and welfare
Uramon koulu
Afternoon activity
Education and welfare