Aaltonen Lyti
Responsible cultural producer
Elinvoima's industry, cultural and event services
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Information, support and help for organizing an event can be found in the city's event organizer's guide. In this context, a public event usually means various performances, concerts, fairs, markets, parties, ceremonies, competitions, screenings, advertising events and other events, to which people other than those specifically invited have access with or without payment. Events are organized by private individuals as well as companies, associations and public sector operators. They bring people together for some purpose or meaning at a specific time and place.
It is advisable to start planning the event well in advance, and enough time must be set aside for the planning work in order to reach the desired end result. The share of planning in the entire event process is 2/3, so it is worth investing in it and asking for help from experts and experienced organizers if necessary. For example, you can ask the cultural and event services of the city of Riihimäki for advice on matters related to events.
Organizing a good event often requires a lot of work, and most of the work is done before the event itself. The result of good planning is a successful event. When the idea of organizing an event arises, the planning begins by finding out and thinking about the starting points of the event, on the basis of which the plan itself begins to be made.
Think about who you would like to attend your event and how you can get them to come. The choice of the target group also has a significant impact on the marketing of the event.
Considering the target group, it is good to think about what to organize for that audience.
Day event or evening event, indoor or outdoor, paid or free, congress, meeting, fair, sports event, children's event, etc.
Why is the event organized and what do you want to achieve with it? Does the event have a goal or a message that you want to convey to the visitors? Does the event perhaps have financial goals?
Who is the organizer of the event? Will the work be done with one's own team, with contractors or perhaps with the help of outside help? Who is responsible for what? It is good to make the division of labor already at the beginning and clearly divide the sub-areas, for example marketing, content and program planning, financial planning, being responsible for the venue and technology and the necessary equipment, and catering as one area of responsibility. It is important to appoint one person who handles communication between all responsible groups and holds all the strings in his hands, so to speak.
What is the main form of financing for the event?
What amount is the organizer himself ready to invest in the event?
Is it possible to get sponsors for the event?
Is it possible to apply for grants or subsidies for the event?
Can partners finance the event?
Is the goal to make a profit or break even?
What if the money runs out?
What kind of loss is the organizer ready to endure?
Considering the target group and the event's message and goal, think about what would be good content for the event? Can the content be produced by oneself or is content produced by outsiders needed? What is the attraction of the event that attracts people to the event?
Considering the target group, the content and nature of the event and the desired goal, as well as the budget and resources, what would be the best venue and time for your event? For example, events aimed at families with children should probably not be held very late in the evening. The venue must be sized correctly in relation to the expected number of visitors; the space must not be small, but too big is not an advantage either.
Event venues are private and public, indoor and outdoor. Public spaces include streets, squares and parks, as well as many indoor spaces of public services such as schools, sports and cultural facilities. There are also many private spaces in the outdoor and indoor spaces. All events require the permission of the owner of the area or farm.
Would the park be a good place for the event? Inquiries: Technical service center
Bad Segeberg park
Jukka Jalonen park (formerly Keskuspuisto)
Kolmiopuisto park
Library park
Messupuisto park
Railway park
Other parks and green areas
Station square
The old market square
All street areas
Granit square
Outdoor pool
Winter field
Central sports park
Peltosaari sports park
Riihimäki race track
Riuta Family Sports Centre
Allinna's montu
Kino Sampo
dining hall, Eteläinen koulu
Youth Center Monari
Riihimäki City Museum
Riihimäki Art Museum
Samuli Paronen Hall in the library
Exhibition facilities of the Finnish Glass Museum
Meeting room of the Finnish Glass Museum
School sports and ballrooms, evenings and weekends – sports services
School gymnasiums and ballrooms at other times – school principals
Other facilities of schools - school principals
Matinsali of Eteläinen school - school principal
School grounds - school principals
Kalevantalo auditorium – Principal of Peltosaari school (not used by outsiders in 2020)
Sports hall - sports services
Swimming pool – exercise services
Ice rinks - sports services
Herajoki workers' house
Hirvijärvi camp center
Riihimäki Clubhouse
Kirkkopuisto parish home, ballroom
Lehmustie party house
Favorite hazard
Hunting Museum
Party space Red House
Ravirata, Riihimäki trotting club
Riihimäki's Theater
Riihimäki Työväentalo Rity
Officer's Club
The Green House
Ö house
Old Glass Factory - ask for contact information
How and where are you going to market your event?
It is important to choose the channel that best reaches your target group. Traditionally, events have been marketed in different media: in newspapers, radio and TV, as well as with posters and brochures. Please also note Riihimäki city event calendar, where you should add your event. The calendar is free and does not require a login. The information published in the calendar can be seen not only in the calendar but also in the event calendars of the city of Riihimäki's website. The use of social media is recommended, as it is inexpensive and, if used correctly, quite effective. Set up a Facebook page for your event, advertise on Instagram or TikTok, or create an event on an existing page of your organization. Come up with a striking and memorable #topic tag to get visibility. When you organize an event in Riihimäki, it would be good to also use the following tags: #Riihimäki #RakasRiksu. Remember to be active during the event as well!
For an event where alcohol is sold, a temporary liquor license is required, which can be applied for from the regional administrative authority 1-2 months before the start of the event.
You need the landowner's permission to use an open fire. The use of open fire in the public event area must always be negotiated with the rescue service. When using an open fire, the obligations of the Rescue Act regarding safe fire-making must be taken into account. When using an open fire, a sufficient amount of suitable fire-fighting equipment must be reserved in the immediate vicinity of the place of use. The rescue service can prohibit open fires in its area during a forest fire warning.
In the export sale of foodstuffs, the national export sales guidelines of Evira (Food Safety Agency) are followed.
Instructions and permits for the sale, processing and serving of food can be obtained from Riihimäki's health authority.
Fireworks displays must always be reported to the local police 14 days before the time of the event. The responsible person with contact information, time, place, number of participants and the quality of the fireworks must be clarified. The authority can present restrictions or conditions for organizing fireworks.
When the event takes place outdoors, e.g. on a field, in a park or on the street, a permit for the event is requested from the Technical Service Center. Temporary street closure permits and temporary street advertising locations are also applied for in the same place. The free-form permit application must state the organizer of the event, the name of the event, the name of the venue and the period of use. The application with attachments (location map) is primarily sent by e-mail to teknikki(at)riihimaki.fi or, if necessary, by post to the address: City of Riihimäki, Tekninen palvelukeskus, PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki. The application must be sent well in advance of the actual event, but at least 2 weeks before.
The event may require temporary traffic arrangements, such as street closures, flashing traffic lights, temporary parking areas or other actions in the traffic area. Adequate information and guidance must be given about road closures required for public events. The temporary guidance signs are lightweight, white-based boards that use the object's name or event symbol and, if necessary, the object's direction and distance. Without a public event decision, temporary traffic controllers cannot be accepted for the event.
By decision, the police can also appoint traffic controllers for events other than public events. With the decision of the police, the traffic controllers appointed by the event organizer are empowered to direct traffic on public roads.
According to Section 118 of the Environmental Protection Act, a temporary measure or event causing noise or vibration, such as noisy construction sites, entertainment events, etc., must be reported to the municipality's environmental protection authority, which can issue regulations on noise control.
The notification must be made in good time before taking the measure or starting the activity, however no later than 30 days before this time, unless the municipality's environmental protection regulations stipulate a shorter time. The noise report can be made electronically through the electronic permit service of the city of Riihimäki. If electronic reporting is not possible, the printable/completed form and instructions for reporting can be found on the website of the state environmental administration. The form is returned to the address City of Riihimäki, Environmental protection PL 125, 11101 Riihimäki.
Performing music at events and occasions often requires the payment of both Teosto (author's compensation) and Gramex (performer's compensation). They are both copyright organizations that act as service links on behalf of the parties they represent. Gramex represents musicians, singers, conductors and producers of recordings who perform on an audio record or other recording. Teosto represents composers, arrangers, lyricists and music publishers. Gramex compensations are only collected for the use of recordings and music videos, but Teosto compensations are also collected for the use of live music.
Always remember to apply for a music performance permit before the event. The main organizer of the event always applies for a music performance permit. When you organize live music events, agree with the performer who will report the program information to Teosto. When you perform music or music videos at public events or occasions, you get Gramex's and Teosto's permits at the same time from Teosto's online service.
Many people are involved in the organization of the event, and they too may be injured during the event. The law requires the event organizer to pay accident insurance for each hired staff representative. It is not necessary to insure voluntary workers, but it is recommended.
Liability insurance covers personal or property damage caused by the event to the public, event officials, or outsiders, but it does not compensate for damage to the event organizer, staff, or caretakers. In order for the police to accept your report of a public event, liability insurance must be obtained, it is a requirement of the police.
A rescue plan is always recommended for a public event, but in an event with 200 participants, special arrangements or the nature of the event require the creation of a rescue plan, which must be returned to the rescue service no later than 2 weeks before the start of the event. In Kanta-Hämee, the rescue plan is sent to the address eventat.pelastuslaitos@omahame.fi
A security plan must be drawn up for the security of the event, which must be attached as part of the public event notification to the police. The rescue plan can be included as part of the security plan for the event.
The public event must be notified in writing to the police department of the venue at least five days before the event, if its organization requires measures to maintain order and safety, to prevent harm to bystanders or the environment and/or special traffic arrangements. The announcement must always be made if the organizer considers that the event requires the presence of an order supervisor or a traffic controller operating in the public road area.
The notification or its attachments should contain the following information:
First aid is an important part of event safety. The organizer of the event is responsible for ensuring that the event has sufficient first aid preparedness and that a plan for first aid has been made as part of the rescue plan.
The number of first aid personnel needed depends on the size of the event, the risk assessment and the number of people in the audience. The following can be said about the indicative numbers of first aid personnel for the event:
The organizer of the event is responsible for waste management at the venue, and takes care of keeping the venue clean. At large events, it is necessary to rent separate waste containers and take care of their emptying and removal.
The rule of thumb for organizing event control is that for every 100 people, one controller is needed. The police sets a minimum limit for the number of law enforcers and the police also has the option to demand an increase in the number of law enforcers if necessary. You can get more information about organizing public order directly from the police.
Lost property must be delivered to the local police authority or lost property office immediately after the event. The handling of found goods is regulated by the Found Goods Act. Items found in Riihimäki are delivered to the police department.
Ensure the availability of electricity to the venue, if you need electricity for your event. Check the voltage required by the devices; 230 V (light current) or 400 V (power current). You can get the best and most reliable information about the place's electricity and water points from the owner of the space. The largest power consumptions in small events are caused by coffee and water kettles, which cannot be connected to the same fuse more than their number. In large events, for example, sound and light technology consumes electricity, the installation of which should be left to professionals in most cases.
Pay attention to event safety in temporary electrical connections and cable runs. Cables and wires must be protected from mechanical stress and must be placed in such a way that they do not cause a tripping hazard.
Various temporary structures are often built for public events, such as stands, tents or a stage. It should be noted that, for example, the materials of the tents must be fireproof (SL1) and the tents must be properly anchored to the ground. Check the tent anchoring instructions and loose weights in the guide.
A comprehensive guide to temporary structures and their safety regulations.
Event safety is an essential part of successful event management. So remember to protect yourself, employees and event participants with responsible security expertise. The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) has produced a comprehensive guide on event security.
According to the law, toilets for the public must also be found at the venue. There must be enough toilets for both men and women at the event. Restrooms must be appropriately located on different sides of the event area and users must be protected by appropriate visual barriers. Signs must be placed in the area about the location of the toilets. The toilet must have a hand washing facility and a hygienic hand drying facility.
For an event of less than 50 people, 1 toilet for men and 1 toilet for women is enough, one of them must be suitable for disabled people.
The number of toilets increases according to the event's audience: 51-250 people: 2 toilets for men and 2 toilets for women /1 disabled toilet, 251-500 people: 3 toilets for men and 3 toilets for women//1 disabled toilet.
Please note that permits for Välikatu and the parking area are issued by the City of Riihimäki / Technical Industry.
Responsible cultural producer
Elinvoima's industry, cultural and event services