Sukula Pirkko
Environmental Health Manager
Energy sector, environmental health
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The municipality's environmental health care control plan includes environmental health care control in general and industry-specific. The plan covers activities in accordance with the health protection, tobacco, food and veterinary care laws. The supervision must be of high quality, risk-based and prevent health hazards and dangers, and protect the consumer from financial losses.
In the national monitoring program for environmental healthcare, the theme of the program period 2020–2024 is uniform monitoring and cooperation. The tasks of environmental healthcare require dialogue and cooperation between different authorities (e.g. building control, environmental protection, land use, welfare area, police). Operators must be advised, guided and instructed, among other things, in matters related to legislation and its interpretations.
In preparing the environmental health control plan for South Häme, the common national control program for environmental health care and the industry-specific control programs given by the central authorities have been taken into account. The monitoring plan is updated annually.
The control plan includes the common section of the control plan as well as separate sections for food control, health control, tobacco control and veterinary care.
Environmental Health Manager
Energy sector, environmental health