Operating rule
Riihimäki youth council's operating rules
Riihimäki youth council's operating rules
1. § The composition, appointment and operating conditions of the youth council shall be decided by the city government.
2. § The youth council's operating rules are approved and, if necessary, amended by the youth council. Before approval, the legality of the changes is checked with e.g. the city attorney.
3. § The Youth Council is an expert and cooperation body for matters concerning young people, elected at elections, under the guidance of the youth services in the domain of education and competence. The youth council annually prepares an activity report and an activity plan.
§ 4. The purpose of the Youth Council is
· promoting young people's opportunities for participation, influence and action
· equips young people to participate and influence social issues
· bring out the young people's point of view in the city's decision-making
· give statements and take initiatives in matters concerning young people
· performs other tasks assigned to the youth council
· monitor the implementation of Section 8 of the Youth Act.
5. § Riihimäki's youth council consists of a maximum of 20 regular members. At the end of the term, the old council appoints 7 members who will continue to the new council, who must meet the eligibility conditions of Section 7.
6. § Youth council meetings are generally held every two weeks. If necessary, an extra meeting can be convened.
If necessary, the youth services employee responsible for the youth council confirms the correctness of the minutes with his signature. Otherwise, the meeting's chairman, secretary and members of the youth council elected at the meeting will check the minutes.
The minutes are checked immediately after the meeting. If, for example, there are appendices to the minutes after the meeting, the secretary is responsible for their correctness and adding them to the minutes.
§ 7. The term of office of the Youth Council is two years. The youth council is elected every other year in the fall. The term of office begins with the organizational meeting held in January.
The elections are held in middle schools, high schools, and secondary vocational schools in Riihimäkä. In addition, the opportunity to vote at youth facilities is reserved, for example.
Young people from Riihimäki aged 13–23 in the election year are eligible and entitled to vote.
If a disturbing number of councilors has prevented them from participating in council work, by-elections will be held as the youth council deems best. If necessary, the youth council can, in the middle of the term of office and within the framework of the number of members defined in the operating rules, invite a person who meets the other eligibility conditions to become a member without elections.
8. § The chairman and vice-chairmen are generally elected for two years at a time.
The chairman and vice-chairmen are elected in a pre-agreed manner, either in connection with the organizational meeting of the new youth council or at another suitable time.
The secretary is generally elected for one year at a time.
The role of the chairman is to lead the meetings of the youth council, prepare meeting matters, and, unless decided otherwise, to act as a representative of the youth council. The vice-chairmen act as the chairman's deputy if necessary.
§ 9. The youth council has quorum if the chairman and at least five (5) members are present.
§ 10. The chairman of the youth council acts as the representative of the youth council at city council meetings with the right to speak and attend. The vice-chairman of the youth council acts as deputy representative. The youth council elects two representatives to the city's vitality committee, the technical committee and the education and welfare committee. In addition, the youth council elects two male and two female representatives to the youth council of the welfare area.
The representative of the youth council has the right to attend and speak at board meetings. The youth council monitors the participation of board representatives in meetings and, if necessary, replaces the representative. In addition, the youth council appoints representatives to all the entities it is asked to, and where it deems appropriate to act.
§ 11 The meetings of the Youth Council are public. Youth council meetings are convened by the youth services employee responsible for the youth council or, if necessary, by Nuva's chairman.
§ 12. An annual budget is set aside for the activities of the youth council in the city budget, and the youth service manager is the one who approves the invoices. The Youth Council monitors the use of the allocated funds regularly.
The activities of the youth council can also be supported by external parties, whose values the youth council can commit to.
§ 13. The activities of the Youth Council are bullying-free. The youth council is not politically or religiously committed.
§ 14. If a member of the youth council in any way damages or hinders the activities of the youth council or neglects his duty to participate in three (3) consecutive meetings of the youth council, after a hearing, he may be sanctioned for his actions or decided by a 2/3 majority decision to dismiss the person. The chairman of the youth council can grant permission for a longer absence.
Updated and approved at the youth council meeting on 4.3.2024 September XNUMX.