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Turquoise-bottomed large swimming pool in a swimming pool with water in the pool.
Photo: Iida Riihimäki

Swimming Hall

The renovated Riihimäki swimming hall will open to city residents on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 10.00 a.m. The swimming hall has been under renovation since year 2023 due to a major renovation.

The new pools have given the swimming hall a spa-like feel and the hall's accessibility for people with disabilities has been improved. New features include a large water slide, a raised-bottom pool in connection with the on-demand sauna, and an outdoor pool under a shelter with massage points. The cold pool is also returning to use after a break of several years.

Special facilities have been built on the pool level for people with disabilities and other special groups, which can be reserved in advance. All the equipment in the gym has been renewed.

The renovations have made the swimming hall more suitable for all visitors. Customer cards will be replaced with wristbands as our access control system is renewed.

The swimming hall is located on a scenic ridge next to the water tower at Salpausseläntie 16. Our beautiful outdoor swimming pools are also open in the summer at the same location. It is only a little over a kilometer from Riihimäki train station.

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  • Swimming hall opening hours

    The cash register closes one hour before the swimming hall closes. Swimming and gym time ends half an hour before the hall closes.

      Cash register opening hours Swimming pool and gym opening hours Swimming hall opening hours
    Monday 6-20 6-20.30 6-21
    Tuesday 10-20 10-20.30 10-21
    Wednesday 6-20 6-20.30 6-21
    Thursday 6-20 6-20.30 6-21
    Friday 6-20 6-20.30 6-21
    Laotian 10-17 10-17.30 10-18
    Sunday 10-17 10-17.30 10-18

  • Please note that when purchasing a series or seasonal product, you must also purchase a customer wristband the first time. The wristband must be recharged.

    The entrance fee to the swimming pool includes use of the gym.

    Entrance fee (includes 14% VAT)
    Single visit for adults 6,50
    Series ticket 10 visits 60,00
    Children under 7 years old are free of charge when accompanied by an adult.
    7–17 year olds 4,00
    Schoolchildren (in lessons) 3,00
    Series ticket 10 visits 34,00
    Family ticket
    Two adults and two children or one adult and three
    Pensioners, students and conscripts
    Student, pensioner or conscript card to be presented at the cashier.
    One time visit 4,00
    Series ticket 10 visits 34,00
    Applied physical activity card
    When purchasing the product, please present the ID required for the applied sports card.
    (More information about the applied physical activity card)
    Single visit for adults 4,00
    Children's single visit 3,00
    Six-month season ticket 40,00
    Senior card
    For Riihimäki residents over 65 years old.
    Season tickets are valid until 16 p.m. on weekdays.
    Six-month season ticket 40,00
    Customer wristband
    Required for all serial/seasonal products.
    Licensed swimmers
    To the representatives of Riihimäki sport club.
    Six-month season ticket, under 21 years old 80,00
    Six-month season ticket, over 21 years old 140,00
    Equipment rentals
    Towel 5,00
    Swimwear 5,00
    Physical education prices
    Guided water exercise 3,00
    Children's swimming school
    The swimming school lasts nine lessons. The price includes the entrance fee to the swimming pool.
    Baby swimming/lesson/1st child 20,00
    Baby swimming/lesson/next children 10,00

  • We accept following payment methods:

    Payment methods accepted in the swimming hall and outdoor pool
    Bank and credit card
    EPass Sports Pass
    SmartumPay (redeemed only on the day of payment as confirmed by the cash register)
    Smartum's Sports Voucher and Sports and Culture Voucher
    Edenredin maksukortti

  • Pools and water slide

    The heated water pool is located outdoors next to the cold water pool. The pool has three massage stations, an air massage bench and a neck massage waterfall.

    The water slide is 50 meters long. The slide is located between two floors and there are concrete stairs leading to the landing area in the pool area.

    The large pool (25-meter pool) has a three-meter diving tower at one short end and a diving board about a meter above the surface of the pool.

    Pool Length Depth Temperature
    Large pool, 8 lanes 25 16,2 x m 1,2 3,8-m 27
    Teaching pool 16 5,75 x m 0,6 0,9-m 29
    Children's pool 8,2 4,75 x m 0,25 m 29
    Jacuzzi 2,75 1,8 x m 0,9 m 30
    Gym pool 7,8 9,1 x m 1,25 m 30
    Cold pool 7
    Hot tub with massage jets 30
    Customer sauna I 9,6 3,6 x m 0-1,2 m, lifting base 33

    Changing rooms

    The locker doors in the changing rooms operate with access control wristbands. Customers primarily have access to large changing rooms.


    There is a larger hot sauna, a smaller warm sauna and a steam sauna in connection with the public washrooms.

    Sauna available for reservation at the pool floor  

    The space available on the pool floor is designed specifically for people with limited mobility, for whom the general changing room and sauna areas are difficult to use. The separate sauna area allows access to the pool area without having to go through the general changing room, washing room and sauna areas. The height of the sauna benches is adjustable.

    Saunas for reservation

    The saunas can be booked together or separately. When booked together, the rooms are connected by opening the door between the saunas. Sauna 1 is the larger of the saunas and includes a pool, kitchen and lounge area in addition to the sauna rooms. The sauna room can accommodate a maximum of 30 people. Sauna 2 is smaller in terms of sauna space and swimming takes place in the public pools of the swimming pool. The sauna is best suited as a sauna room for less than ten people. Both sauna rooms have only one dressing room, so if two dressing rooms are needed, both saunas must be booked.

  • Prices from 1.1.2025st of June XNUMX

    User fees and classifications for sports use

    • 1st category: juniors of Riihimäki's sports associations up to 21 years old, schools and adult education center.
    • 2nd category: Riihimäki's sports associations 21 years and older, adult education center
    • 3rd class: others
    • The sports activities are free for Riihimäki's special exercise groups
    • Sports activities of Riihimäki's senior citizens' associations before 16 PM are free of charge
    • one-time bookings (competitions, shows, tournaments) maximum charge 10 hours/day
    • sports use includes VAT 14% or 25,5%

    Non-sports use and events

    • The charge for sports facilities for use other than sports is 1,5 times the 3rd class price (VAT 25,5%).
    • For larger one-time bookings and events, pricing is determined on an event-by-event basis by the official.

    Cancellation according to the facility-specific cancellation policy.

    Pools €/h
    Lane shifts during public swimming hours, 25 m pool
    1rd class 10,40
    2rd class 19,00
    3rd class + swimming pool fee/person 34,20
    Lane shifts outside public swimming hours, 25 m pool
    1rd class 8,80
    2rd class 16,20
    3rd class 29,60
    Teaching pool, shifts during public swimming hours, half pool
    1rd class 7,00
    3rd class 24,40
    Teaching pool, shifts outside public swimming hours, half pool
    1rd class 5,50
    3rd class 20,00
    Water gymnastics pool, shifts during public swimming hours
    1st class + swimming pool entrance fee 12,80
    2st class + swimming pool entrance fee 23,30
    3st class + swimming pool entrance fee 42,50
    Water gymnastics pool, shifts outside public swimming hours, pool
    1rd class 10,00
    2rd class 20,00
    3rd class 36,50
    Saunas for reservation
    Customer sauna 1 72,50
    Customer sauna 2 20,20
    Water heating 20,00

  • Standard shifts will not be granted for the swimming pool for spring 2025, but shifts for the indoor pools can be booked using the form below. You can use the form to book one shift or several shifts for the same day of the week and time during the season to be booked. You can submit an application for the shift you want starting Monday, February 3. Shifts will be booked for the pools from Monday, March 3 to Sunday, June 1 during the swimming pool's opening hours. The reservation will be confirmed by email. In case of shift cancellations, cancellation policies for standard shiftsWe hope that reservations will primarily be made via the form.

    For more information, contact or 050 348 2029.

    Swimming pool shifts

    This form is used to apply for swimming pool shifts at various facilities.

    Name of the contact(Obligatory)

    Billing address(Obligatory)

    Payment category(Obligatory)

    Sports activities of Iihimäki pensioners' associations (free of charge before 16 p.m.)(Obligatory)

    Booking date(Obligatory)

    The field is for validation purposes and should be left untouched.

    Riihimäki City Sports Center reserves the right to make changes.

  • Swimming pool practices

    • Children are always under the responsibility of a guardian or other familiar adult in the swimming pool. Do not leave a child unattended.
    • Children over 10 years of age who have sufficient swimming skills can visit the swimming pool without an adult.
    • Wash without a swimsuit before entering the pool. Also wet your hair or wear a swimming cap.
    • Sauna without swimwear.
    • Eating is not allowed in the sauna and washrooms.
    • Running is not allowed in the swimming pool.
    • Obey the instructions of the staff.
    • Water treadmills and children's swimming equipment are available for loan at the pool department.
    • The lockers work with the same wristbands as the access control. In case of problems, you can contact the staff.
    • Children under 8 years old can go to the same changing rooms with an adult of the opposite gender.
  • The Adapted Physical Activity Card came into use on 1 January 2025. The Adapted Physical Activity Card products are eligible for purchase with a parking permit for people with reduced mobility, a parking permit for people with disabilities, a visually impaired card or an EU disability card. The need for an assistant is verified with the A code of the EU disability card at each entrance. There are no time restrictions on the Adapted Physical Activity Card products.

    The card entitles you to use the swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, swimming pool gym and saunas at a reduced price when the swimming pool is open.

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