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Sports for children and young people

Peuhapäiväs is aimed at the whole family and there you can move and play together on the trick tracks and game arenas built in the hall.

The family circus meets at Harjunrinne school on Wednesdays, and it's a time for adults and 2-6 year old children to have fun together. The exercises combine the application of acrobatics and circus equipment.

Our baby and toddler swimming will be on hiatus for about 1.2.2023 years during the basic renovation of the swimming pool starting on February 1,5, XNUMX.

You can find more detailed information about the sports activities for children and young people organized by us in spring 2023 from our sports calendar.

Summer swimming schools 2024

Registration for swimming schools has ended.

In the summer of 2024, we will organize swimming schools for children in the land swimming pool between June 4.6 and July 26.7.2024, 9. Swimming school groups are on weekdays from 13 am to 2019 pm and one session contains nine swimming times. The minimum age for swimming schools is five years. You can register for the swimming school in the year (29.4) when the child turns five. Registration takes place using an electronic form through the Hellewi registration system. You will receive information about admission to the course immediately. Registration forms for all swimming schools open on Monday 8 April. at 3.5 o'clock and ends on Friday 21. The price of the swimming school is €XNUMX/period and payment is made to the cashier of the land-based swimming pool. Swimming schools are only intended for children from Riihmäki.

  • Starfish (elementary 1)
    In the Meritähti group, the goal is to get used to the water and get immersed. The group is kept in the wading pool and in the shallow end of the teaching pool.

    Turtle (elementary 2)
    In the turtle group, the goal is to learn the basics of swimming. We train in a group, e.g. floating, gliding, mole and beginner backstroke. The goal is to learn to swim 10 meters of beginner swimming. The group is kept in the deep end of the teaching pool.

    Seal (continuation 1)
    In the seal group, the goal is to learn swimming techniques and the ability to pre-swim 25 meters. In the group, we practice, among other things, beginner backstroke and breaststroke and breaststroke. Teaching takes place in the 50-meter pool of the land swimming pool. The prerequisite for participating in the group is the ability to swim 10 meters.

    Applied swimming lessons
    A child in need of special support can register for applied swimming lessons (for example autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, developmental delay, motor challenges, musculoskeletal disorders). If the child needs an assistant in the pool, the child must have his own assistant with him.
    In applied swimming lessons, the group size is smaller than normal (eight people) so that each child can be considered as an individual with special needs. Tasks are applied according to the special needs of each child.

  • Each episode contains nine one-hour swimming sessions. The time in the water is about 30 minutes/time.

    1st period 4.–14.6.
    9–10 Applied swimming lessons
    10–11 Starfish, elementary 1
    11–12 Turtle, elementary 2
    12–13 Seal, continuation 1

    2st period 17.6.–28.6.
    9–10 Starfish, elementary 1
    10–11 Turtle, elementary 2
    11–12 Turtle, elementary 2
    12–13 Seal, continuation 1

    3st period 2.7.–12.7.
    9–10 Starfish, elementary 1
    10–11 Turtle, elementary 2
    11–12 Turtle, elementary 2
    12–13 Seal, continuation 1

    4st period 16.7.–26.7.
    9–10 Turtle, elementary 2
    10–11 Turtle, elementary 2
    11–12 Turtle, elementary 2
    12–13 Seal, continuation 1

  • The price of all swimming schools is 21 euros / session. The payment is made to the cashier of the land-based swimming school during the first week of swimming school, and the received receipt is shown to the swimming instructor. The swimming school fee includes the entrance fee to the swimming school's land pool, if he stays with a parent/guardian at the land pool after the swimming school.
    Swimming schools are held on weekdays, at the same time every day. There are nine swimming sessions in the swimming school period. Swimming school lasts an hour, of which about 30 minutes in the pool. We hold swimming schools in the teaching pool of the land swimming pool, and in cool weather willing swimming school students can warm up in the tent sauna.
    The swimming instructors pick up the children from the cashier of the land swimming pool before the start of the swimming school and return them to the same place after the swimming school. The child needs a swimsuit, goggles (not a diving mask that covers the nose) and a towel. It is good to name a towel and a swimsuit. Long hair must be tied back before swimming school. If you arrive late, please bring your child to the swimming teacher in the changing room or in the pool. Please note that children concentrate better on swimming lessons if their parents/relatives are not watching the swimming lessons.
    If your child has an illness (diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) or something else that needs to be taken into account, please mention it to the swimming teacher before the swimming school starts.
    If the child has permission from the parents/guardian to go alone on the swim school trips, please notify the swim teacher in writing.
    Bring your child to swimming school only in good health! Absences are reported by SMS to the swimming teacher's phone number 040 330 4734.

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