Peltola Anna-Maija
Responsible physical education instructor
Technical industry
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Our most important goal at the sports center is to increase the exercise of the citizens and to offer health-promoting and maintaining exercise. The goal of exercise guidance is to produce the joy of exercise with the help of versatile indoor and water sports groups for all age groups, regardless of age and fitness level. Our operations can be found in different parts of the city.
Our sunny fitness instructors warmly welcome you to exercise!
The sports center cash desk is located in the sports hall (Pohjolankatu 6) when the swimming pool is closed. The cash desk is open on weekdays by appointment. You can make an appointment with the sports service advisor.
Responsible physical education instructor
Technical industry
The sports instructor responsible for the projects
Technical industry
Health exercise instructor
Technical industry
Applied physical education instructor
Technical industry
Physical education instructor, school PT
Technical industry
Customer service representative
Technical industry