Setälä Olli
Responsible librarian
Education and welfare
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On this page you can find information about the library's music services and materials.
About 17 CDs of music are available to you. Children's music is placed in the children's section. The normal loan period for CDs is four weeks. The loan period for new items is two weeks. Remember to check the loan term on the due date receipt! Records are also stored in the library's open storage downstairs.
Concert recordings, opera, musicals, karaoke and documentaries are available as image recordings.
There are approximately 8 titles of sheet music and scores for various music genres, instruments, voices and ensembles. Sheet music is also stored in the library's open storage downstairs.
There are guides for all the most used instruments.
Information books, memoirs and reference works dealing with music culture in various ways are available for borrowing. There are also many music books in the open warehouse downstairs.
The library has ordered the following music magazines:
You can find the current year's music magazines in the library's magazine room, you can find older magazines in the open storage room downstairs. The normal loan period for magazines is 28 days, for news magazines 14 days. The latest issue cannot be borrowed. With a few exceptions, music magazines are kept for two years.
You will find plenty of digital music magazines that can be read remotely From the e-library ja from the PressReader service. You can get more information about PressReader here.
The library's collections include more than a thousand LP records, which you can find downstairs in a warehouse open to customers. The LPs mainly contain art and folk music.
You can always ask the staff for help if you have problems finding material or information. For larger information searches, you have to be prepared for the delivery time. If the material you want is not in our library, you can order it from other Ratamo libraries or borrow it through us from elsewhere.
All the library's material is cataloged in the Ratamo library database, where you can search, make new loans and reserve material. Used to describe musical material of the general Finnish ontology (YSO), Finnish species type and form glossary (SLM) ja the national operator information list (KANTO) terms as well as classification system for public libraries (YKL).
You can find tips for searching for music information on the service:
Note! Due to the renovation of the Nurmijärvi main library, the material in the Ratamo warehouse will be unavailable until autumn 2022.
Ratamo libraries have a common warehouse, where old and rarely borrowed CDs, which have not been permanently deleted, have been selectively moved. In the availability information of the online library, the discs in the Ratamo warehouse are displayed at the Nurmijärvi main library under the location Ratamo warehouse.
You can order discs from the warehouse free of charge at all Ratamo library locations. If you want to order a disc, make a reservation for it in the online library or request an order from your library's customer service. When you pick up the disc, ask the customer service representative to remove the €2 Ratamo fee automatically given by the system from your data.
Responsible librarian
Education and welfare