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Riksula is the accessible meeting place of the City of Riihimäki's Open Wellbeing Services, whose mission statement emphasizes increasing inclusion, strengthening community, and preventive action to promote well-being and health - the R like us spirit. #RNiinKuinMe

A meeting place in Riksula, the cultural and community space Antoni's house offers conversation, meaningful activities, free, open clubs, lectures and events, as well as help and advice for different stages of life according to the monthly program, in cooperation with local organizations and associations.

Antonin talo offers its facilities to associations and organizations as well as city residents for meetings, courses, clubs and events on weekday evenings from 15pm to 22pm and on weekends from 8am to 22pm. Associations that support the goals of promoting the city's well-being and health can reserve spaces for their use by contacting Riksula's operations manager by e-mail. Associations can organize activities and events open to everyone also during the day within the framework of Riksula's meeting place activity program. Welcome to work!

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A people-oriented and appreciative meeting place

  • Riksula's operating concept is to be a people-oriented, equal and appreciative meeting place, where the people who participate in the activity create an activity culture that looks like city dwellers, creatively, appreciatively and creating life-enriching contents. In Riksula, the work is done in cooperation with organizations, associations, educational institutions, the Hyvinvointi area and the operators of the city of Riihimäki.

    Riksula's goal is to offer free, low-threshold recreational activities that promote well-being and health, accessible in the middle of the city, close to services.

  • You are welcome just as you are. Participation in supervised activities is voluntary and you can drop by Riksula whenever it suits you. There is always company over a cup of coffee or a game of cards. Townspeople can suggest activities they like to do at Riksula. Are you keen to lead chair exercises for seniors? Do you enjoy doing crafts and handicrafts together with others? Can you sing along to community songs? There is an opportunity to get involved in volunteer activities at Riksula.

    Volunteering does not require any special skills from you - it is enough that you have the time to give.

    We will guide and support you in all situations you encounter. In addition, you will have the support of the volunteer work coordinator Jemina Salonen. Volunteering is independent, but not lonely.

    As a volunteer, you can:

    • To meet different people and reduce loneliness
    • To decide for yourself how to use your time and in which context you work as a volunteer
    • To participate in current themed trainings related to volunteering
    • Part of a nice group of volunteers
    • To do something meaningful

    Volunteering is good: meaningful activity refreshes, challenges and motivates to learn new things. In volunteering, you can develop your own skills, increase your experience and improve your work ability. You get to know new and nice people and you get to influence and act for the common good.

    Further information: volunteer work coordinator tel. 040 647 7112

    • Everyone is welcome.
    • We respect each other.
    • We face each other as equals.
    • We allow peace of mind for those who need it.
    • Together, we take care of an open and safe atmosphere.
    • Riksula is drug-free.
    • We address inappropriate behavior and are a bullying-free zone.

Riksula programs

Come to socialize and have a coffee. The activity is intended for all ages. You will be accompanied by counselors from senior services that support functional ability. We are a barrier-free and drug-free meeting place. Participation is free of charge.

  • Doors are open according to the program – closed 11 am–12 pm

    Mondays from 9 am to 11 am and from 12 pm to 14 pm

    • Meet-up coffees from 9 am to 11 am Morning coffees open to everyone - people available to meet!
    • Craft club from 9 am to 11 am. Work on your own craft or work together and craft ideas. Led by art expert Susanna Tuominen from the Kotokartanosäätiö. Room Uno.
    • History Club 9:30 – 11 Discussion club about local history and a little further afield. Room Hilda.
    • Forever Young Senior Coffees 12:30 – 14:XNUMX PM
      Mari and Sanna, who are familiar from Senior Park, are guiding and serving coffee (Alma and Marcela from February).
    • 3.3. Hearing aid service 9 am – 11 am Guidance on the use and maintenance of hearing aids. Room Andriette.

    Tuesdays from 9 am to 11 am and from 12 pm to 14 pm

    • BINGO at 9:15 a.m. – 11 a.m
    • 18.2. and 4.3. and 18.3. Karaoke dances at 12:15 – 14. Welcome to sing, dance or listen.
    • 11.2. / 25.2. / 11.3. and 25.3. Record jury at 12:15 – 14 Music according to the taste of the participants.

    Wednesday from 9 am to 11 am and according to the program

    • Meet-up coffees from 9 am to 11 am Morning coffees open to everyone - people available to meet!
    • Swedish for the sick – club at 9:30 – 11 Talk Swedish again with Bertil. In room Uno.
    • MIELI Crisis Center Hyminen offers free support and help in various life situations, by appointment between 12:16 and 9:15. Appointments on weekdays between 0400:755 and 284:XNUMX, tel. XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX. You can also contact us anonymously.
    • February 5.2th and February 12.2th: Outreach and volunteer work supervisor available from 12:14 to XNUMX:XNUMX
    • 19.2. Financial advice 12–14: Multi-professional advice on financial matters, without an appointment: Financial and debt advice, Enforcement Service, Kela, OmaHäme, Riihimäki parish, Riihimäki home corner
    • February 26.2th OmaisOiva café and advice point 12 noon – 14 pm Guest: Kirsi Vilpa, patient affairs manager at OmaHäme.
    • 26.2. Still a Family Group 12 – 14 pm

    Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am and from 12 pm to 14 pm

    • Meet-up coffees from 9 am to 11 am. Morning coffees open to everyone - people available to meet!
    • Outreach and volunteer work supervisor available from 9 am to 11 am
    • Chair gymnastics at 10 – 11 a.m. Gymnastics and balance exercises done at your own pace.
    • Quiz for even demanding tastes at 12:15 – 13 Pertti Puutela is the quiz host.
    • 6.2. Finnish Heads of State presentation at 13:15 PM – 14:15 PM Hannu Rajatie.
    • 13.2. Slideshow on the theme Dimensions at 13:30 PM – 14:30 PM Terho Pelkonen.

    On Fridays

    • Marcela Lotto! at 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Guided picture lottery.
    • MT Association peer coffees on Fridays and Saturdays from 12 to 14 p.m. Room Uno
    • 14.2. Seniors' Valentine's Day event 11 am – 15 pm Organized in cooperation with Riihimäki Senior Associations and the City of Riihimäki. Doors open at 10:30 am.
      In the program:.

      • 11 am welcome, Jorma Höök
      • Greetings from Mayor Jouni Eho
      • singing together
      • 12 noon coffee and socializing
      • 13 p.m. singing performance and poetry recitation
      • 14 p.m. singing and chair exercises

    On Saturdays

    • The peer cafe of the MT association on Saturdays from 12 noon to 15 pm. Room Uno.
  • On Mondays

    • Chess club 18pm – 21pm. Game night open to everyone. Guidance also available for new players. Room Uno.
    • Starting on February 3.2rd, the Brain Injury Association's Riihimäki Peer Nights, the first Monday of every month from 16 pm to 18 pm. Kanta-Häme Brain Injury Association. Register by 12 pm on Monday, tel: 050 581 4491. Room Uno.


    • The peer cafe of the MT association on Tuesdays from 15:17 to XNUMX:XNUMX. Room Uno.


    • 19.2. / 5.3. and 19.3. Natural phenomena and the starry sky evening 18 – 20 pm organized by the Riihimäki Astronomical Society. Open evenings for those interested in natural sciences. Room Uno.
    • 12.2. / 26.2. / 12.3. and 26.3. Peer support group for parents of Nepsy children from 17 pm to 20 pm. Room Uno.
    • 12.2. Babywearing equipment meet-up at 17 – 18:30 PM MLL Riihimäki local association and Babywearing Association. Andriette.

    On Thursdays

    • 6.2. OmaisOiva evening café at 17-18.30:XNUMX pm in the Antoni House hall, webinar "Overcoming Bitterness" with speaker author, journalist, pastor Hilkka Olkinuora.
    • SPR's Läksyhelppi at 16:30 – 19 Get help with homework.
    • SPR's Suomi-café Language Café at 17:19 – XNUMX:XNUMX Learn Finnish language. Let's learn Finnish, learn Finnish culture, get to know new friends.
    • Червый хрест: help with homework о 16:30 – 19 Финська кав'ярня вид Червного хреста о 17 – 19 Разом учаниемой финску мову, знакомимося з културою и новой друзи! Riksula.
      • Note! Läksyhelppi and Suomi-café are closed during the winter holidays on 20.2.
    • AA group at 19:30 – 21:30 Peer night open to everyone on Thursdays. Room Hilda.
    • NA group at 19:30 – 21:30 Peer night open to everyone on Thursdays. Room Uno.


    • 7.2. / 7.3. and 21.3. Evening of Ukrainians at 17 – 19 SPR & volunteer peer tutors.
      Червый хрест влаштовые Українский вечори щоп'ятници з 17:00 до 19:00
    • 14.2. / 28.2./14.3. and 28.3. Russian-language cultural club from 17 pm to 20 pm Vestik kultury. Topics range from visual arts to music, from dance to literature. Finnish interpretation if necessary. Room Uno.
    • Русскоязычный клуб invites all those who wish to talk about culture on Fridays at 17 p.m. (on odd-numbered weeks). Themes of art, music, literature and other areas of culture are discussed at the meetings. Организатор встреч – “Vestnik
      culture". Русско-финский перевод при ночения. Добро пожаловать!
    • 14.2. / 28.2. / 14.3. and 28.3. Olkkari - multicultural living room from 17:20 to XNUMX:XNUMX Organized by: Integration services of the city of Riihimäki. Room Hilda.

    Contact information:

    Chess Club,, tel. 050 430 9608
    MLL local operations: Maria Palotie,
    Riihimäki Astronomical Association,, tel. 045 866 9445
    Nepsy peer group,, tel. 046 889 0018
    SPR, Finland-café and Ukrainian evenings, Virva Hyvärinen tel. 040 773 1738
    Russian-speaking culture club,
    Integration services of the city of Riihimäki,, tel. 040 480 5285

Contact information and opening hours

Meeting place activities are open according to the program
on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am and from 12 pm to 14 pm. Both on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to 11 am.

On Wednesdays, Antoni's house has activities open to everyone and counseling according to the program.

On Fridays, Hyvinvointa from outdoor activities from 9.30:11 a.m. to XNUMX a.m., according to the program.
In the rain, we gather indoors at Antoni's house.

Open to everyone, free activities organized by associations at Antoni's house:

Near-hearing service every first weekday Monday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Caregivers' Piipahdus counseling cafe every last Monday of the month from 12 to 14 p.m.

Riihimäki MT association's cafe on Tuesdays from 15:17 to 12:14 and on Fridays and Saturdays from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX.

18.9. from MIELI Crisis Center Hyminen free support and help in difficult life situations. Wednesdays by appointment from 12:17 to 9:15. Appointment on weekdays from 0400 a.m. to 755 p.m., phone 284 XNUMX XNUMX. You can also do business anonymously.

SPR's Läksy-helppi and Suomikahvila on Thursdays from 16.30:19 to XNUMX:XNUMX.

AA group on Thursdays from 19:30 to 21:30, room 2 Hilda.

NA group on Thursdays from 19:30 to 21:30, room 1 Uno.