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At Riihimäki, the challenges and opportunities of internationalization are discussed constructively

18.12.2024 2024 Better than before Mayor Blog Vigor

A man is standing in a suit outside in front of a glass wall, smiling. The glass wall has red tape and the visible text Riihi.
Jouni Eho. Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Hundreds of people who fled the war in Ukraine have moved from the reception centers to Riihimäki, forming a large Ukrainian community in the city, which is still growing.

In addition, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) has started two new international study programs at its Riihimäki campus, which has been reflected in the arrival of international students and their families in our city. The annual population growth target of 0,2% set by the city council has been exceeded thanks to immigration. And the growth continues.

Statistics Finland published its own forecast on the demographic development of our country a while ago. The message was clear. More people die than are born and internal migration is concentrated in large cities. The question is, how does the city of Riihimäki plan to respond to the challenges and opportunities brought by the internationalization of the population?

The city council sees internationality as a real opportunity

The discussion related to internationality got its start at the seminar of the Riihimäki city council on 24-25. October 2024. The office holders' positive perception of the seminar and its internationality workshop was that the city's highest decision-making body, regardless of party background, sees internationality in Riihimäki as a real opportunity and a special competitive advantage compared to other cities of the same size. The councilors discussed the politically sensitive topic analytically and specifically focusing on Riihimäki's point of view. Internationalization is not only about population growth, but it also involves negative phenomena, which we must be able to discuss just as well as all the positive things that are related to internationalization.

The drafting of the international Riihimäki action program was on display at the council seminar. The goal was that the city will start working on a cross-cutting internationalization program, where all opportunities and challenges will be brought out and together we will consider in what ways we can continue to be a pioneer - from the point of view of sustainable growth.

Internationalization brings growth and guarantees that the effects of the rapidly deteriorating maintenance ratio remain as small as possible. At the same time, however, we have to think about how we tackle the challenges of regional segregation, racism, the integration of children and young people and families with children, how we employ the most effectively and especially how we secure a good life for all those who have moved to Riksuu.

The question of the fate of SMEs to attract international experts

The city of Riihimäki has recognized the value of international recruitment for companies and the region's vitality. The city provides support to companies in the region in international recruitment processes and produces high-quality settlement services for international experts and students and their families. The just-published report of the E2 Research Institute paints the attraction of international talent as a question of the fate of even SMEs in the near future. Recruitment of foreign labor is a big opportunity for SMEs. We need an open dialogue with companies and educational institutions so that we can hear everyone's needs and thoughts.

The recognition of the city of Riihimäki has developed in the light of the results of the brand research in a positive direction during the last five years. So we have attraction. Holding power around the theme of internationality creates a real challenge for us. First of all, international experts and students must get the settlement services and other basic services they need, but the more important thing is that they feel welcome in the city. We need all Riksu residents, companies, associations, clubs, that is, all of us.

Riihimäki is made known in many different international arenas, and each of us has its own role in this task. Entrepreneurs need a skilled workforce, the city needs more people, sports clubs need more enthusiasts, museums need more audiences. All these goals are supported by internationalization and it is a common issue for all of us.

Jouni Eho, mayor
Juha Hiltunen, integration manager