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Leila Mustanoja-Syysmeri, 76: "It's refreshing to go on a road trip after a long time!"

13.3.2024 2024 Wellness Volunteer work

A man peeks into a car from the back door, where a smiling woman is sitting in the back seat and a man is in the front seat.
Car driver Jari Peltola peeks out from the door, Leila Mustanoja-Syysmeri in the back seat and Ekku Syysmeri in the front seat. Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Car driver Jari Peltola pulls his car right to the door of the nursing home Attendo Joosep. Leila Mustanoja-Syysmeri, 76, and her husband Ekku Syysmeri, 84, get safely into the car after a short walk on a rollator.

It's a sunny winter day and we're going for a refreshing ride of a couple of hours. Free car trips for the elderly have been offered by volunteers in various parts of Finland since 2016. Now the city and the Kotokartano Foundation organize rides on Riihimäki.

"Where would you like to go", asks the car driver Jari of the couple.

We decide to go to Hämeenaukio, Leila and Eku's former home, and then head to the scenery of the Glass Factory.

Giving up a car is hard

"It's nice to sit in a car for a long time, because they have interested me since I was a child. I worked for years in Romania and Bulgaria leading European Union anti-corruption projects and that's when I realized my dream and bought a tax-free Jaguar. After three years, I sold it, because when the dream was fulfilled, I could give it up," Leila recalls with a laugh.

He admits that giving up driving a couple of years ago was hard, but there were no other options. Due to Parkinson's disease, driving was no longer safe.

"This is one of the reasons why I do this voluntary work. Giving up a car is difficult for many people, and with the help of our car experts, even those without a car can get going. My own mother lived to be almost 90 years old at home, and we took small rides with her. It was a nice pastime for both of us. When he left time, I thought that I would have time to shave other elderly people", says Jari.

Cheers to the driver too

Jari has gotten many people excited about volunteering as a car mechanic. Since 2016, several hundred trips have been made around Finland, and a couple of hundred volunteers are involved. Jari moved to Riihimäki a couple of years ago and decided to start operations after the corona break last fall.

"A dozen volunteers signed up right away. Auto Sorsa is one of the local companies supporting our operations. I also want to attract men to volunteer work that promotes social well-being, because this brings joy and good mood to the drivers as well," praises Jari.

Leila agrees that this is a wonderful activity. Next, as a car woman, she inquires if there is an electric car under us.

"The car is a plug-in hybrid, and you can drive about 70 kilometers on electricity without recharging. We could drive to Hämeenlinna and back," says Jari.

Satisfied in a nursing home

Big construction works are going on at Hämeenakuio. A park is being built in the area, where there will be benches and green plants. Leila points to the balconies and windows facing three directions of the former home on the third floor.

"We moved from Helsinki to Riihimäki 13 years ago. We started a new life together in Riihimäki, where we found a comfortable and affordable home. We went to the theater a lot because it was opposite the house. While walking with the dog, we got to know the city."

Some years ago, Ekku got sick, and he has been living in the Joosep nursing home for 1,5 years due to his memory disorder. After her health deteriorated, Leilakin moved there a year ago.

"We are very happy with our home in Jooseppi, where we each have our own rooms. I live in a ward for memory patients, even though I just passed the memory test with full marks. When the situation is what it is, we enjoy life within the limits set by it. Here I can be close to my beloved Ekku, and I can see all the clear moments he has. We only met as adults, when I, single, was 63 years old."

Leila served for a long time on the board of the Riihimäki Society as treasurer, but plans to leave it soon. The forces are now sufficient for serene everyday life.

"This road trip broke our routine a little bit, and Ekkuk was really excited about it," says Leila.

A man is driving behind the wheel of a car and a smiling elderly person is traveling next to him. Both wearing caps and jackets. The sun shines through the windows onto the faces of the people in the car.

Ekku doesn't talk much, but he lazes in the front seat in a good mood. The trip continues to the Glass Factory area, where a couple of photos are taken. Leila praises the wonderful environment and nicely renovated houses.

Jari says that there are small workshops and warehouses in the old factory. In January, the Riihimäki rally was held, and the service area was at the factory. The route went along small roads in Lope, Riihimäki and Hausjärvi. It was quiet in the city according to the traffic rules, but the special tests on the closed roads were going hard.

"When I was young, I was involved in a lot of rallies, for example I was the press secretary of the RAC rally in Great Britain," says Leila.

Towards a rural landscape

Next, Jari suggests driving to the new housing fair area, both to the center and in the direction of Hausjärvi. We pass the Lempivaara caravan site. It is slippery in the area of ​​Koko and Metsäkorvi, but a four-wheel drive car will do well.

"Good scenery", says Ekku suddenly as he looks at the open view of the fields.

This makes Jari absolutely excited to drive to look at rural landscapes in sunny weather. Hausjärvi and Hikiä are nearby. It is very suitable for hikers. We admire the beautiful old wooden church in Hikiä.

Jari thinks that in the summer we could make another drive to the farmers in the nearby region, as far as Lope, Hausjärvi or Hämeenlinna. Sometimes we could stop by for a coffee and come back by a different route.

Finally, at the request of Leila and Eku, we drive to the Mattila industrial area to the Papa's Smokery BBQ restaurant to buy hamburgers to eat at home. As a surprise, we also pack a stuffed cake in honor of the company's birthday.

Car trips for the elderly

Autoretki activity offers the elderly car trips that are refreshing and relieve loneliness. Already since 2016, volunteers have been offering free car tours in various parts of Finland. Now the city of Riihimäki and the Kotokartano Foundation went together to try out the activity.

"My task is to connect an elderly person who longs to get out of their house and a volunteer driver who offers car trips free of charge," says Reija Lumivuokko, operational director of the open welfare services of the city of Riihimäki.

Text by Reija Ypyä
Photos by Jenniina Nummela

Excursion wishes of the elderly and registration as a voluntary car excursion provider:
Reija Snowflake
operations manager, Riihimäki city
p. 040 647 7112

Business cooperation:
Jari Peltola, founder of Autoretki
p. 040 546 1461