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Permits and control

A permit is required for operations that can change or pollute the soil, air or water. Both private citizens and companies need permits. For some measures, a mere notification to the authority is sufficient. Prohibitions and restrictions may be imposed on land and water traffic, as motorized vehicles may cause disturbing noise and harm sensitive nature.

You can get information about environmental protection in Riihimäki, e.g. which procedures require a permit and how to prepare the application. You can apply for environmental protection permits electronic permit service through.

  • The need for an environmental permit

    The Environmental Protection Act (527/2014) requires that an environmental permit must be applied for activities that may cause a risk of environmental pollution. The Environmental Protection Act lists the activities for which a permit must be applied for. An environmental permit is also required e.g. for the management of waste water, if it causes pollution of the bed, and for industrial or professional utilization or processing of the waste.

    The uncomplicated progress of the permit processing is guaranteed by contacting the environmental protection area of ​​the city of Riihimäki already when considering the location, where the need for an environmental permit for the operation is clarified and the time it takes to process the permit is estimated, as well as instructions for applying for the permit are given.

    Conditions for granting an environmental permit

    When considering an environmental permit, the starting point is to place the activity as environmentally friendly as possible and to prevent pollution. The conditions for granting a permit are precisely regulated in the Environmental Protection Act.

    New activities may not be started until the permit decision has gained legal force, i.e. any complaints regarding it have been processed.

    Environmental permit application

    In the Riihimäki area, depending on the nature of the activity, environmental permits are applied for from the environmental protection area of ​​the city of Riihimäki or from the Regional Administrative Agency of Southern Finland.

    The application can be made electronically through the electronic permit service of the city of Riihimäki. We recommend primarily using the electronic permit service. Sending a notification via the electronic service requires strong identification (bank credentials/mobile certificate, etc.).

    Sign in to the Service

    If electronic reporting is not possible, the printable/completed form and instructions for reporting can be found on the website of the state environmental administration. The form is returned to the area of ​​responsibility for environmental protection at PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki.

    More information

  • In the city of Riihimäki, the vitality board acts as the licensing and control authority in accordance with the Land Resources Act.

    Taking stone, gravel, sand, clay and soil generally requires a permit according to the Soil Materials Act.

    The ingredients must not be taken in such a way that it causes:

    1. the corruption of a beautiful landscape
    2. the destruction of significant natural beauty values ​​or special natural occurrences
    3. significant or widespread harmful changes in natural conditions, or
      the water quality of an important or other groundwater area suitable for water procurement or
    4. jeopardizing the yield, unless a permit has been obtained in accordance with the Water Act

    In an area with a valid site plan or general plan with legal effect, it must also be considered that the taking does not make it difficult to use the area for the purpose reserved in the plan and does not spoil the urban or landscape image.

    Soil materials may not be taken without a special reason in the coastal zone of the sea or water body, unless the area is designated for this purpose in the site plan or general plan with legal effect.

    The collection sites must be located and the collection of materials must be organized so that the harmful impact of the collection on nature and the landscape remains as minimal as possible, and that the soil deposit is used sparingly and economically, and that the activity does not pose a danger to the population or the environment or harm that can be avoided at reasonable costs.

    More information

  • According to Section 118 of the Environmental Protection Act, a temporary measure or event causing noise or vibration, such as noisy construction sites, entertainment events, etc., must be reported to the municipality's environmental protection authority, which can issue regulations on noise control. If the project is implemented in the area of ​​several municipalities, the notification is made to the regional environmental center in whose area of ​​operation the noise or vibration mainly occurs.

    However, notification does not need to be made for activities that require an environmental permit, activities related to the finances of an individual, activities of the defense forces, or temporary activities for which the municipality has issued environmental protection regulations pursuant to § 19 and at the same time stipulated that there is no notification obligation.

    The notification must be made in good time before taking the measure or starting the activity, however no later than 30 days before this time, unless the municipality's environmental protection regulations stipulate a shorter time. In the environmental protection regulations of the city of Riihimäki, you can find detailed information about the noise reporting procedure in the area of ​​the city of Riihimäki.

    The noise report can be made electronically through the electronic permit service of the city of Riihimäki. We recommend primarily using the electronic permit service. Sending a notification via the electronic service requires strong identification (bank credentials/mobile certificate, etc.).

    If electronic reporting is not possible, the printable/completed form and instructions for reporting can be found on the website of the state environmental administration. The form is returned to the area of ​​responsibility for environmental protection at PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki.

    More information

  • As of June 1.6.2010, XNUMX, small energy production plants, distribution stations and asphalt stations moved from the scope of the environmental permit to the scope of lighter registration. New facilities are affected by the change immediately, but for existing facilities, the effective times are longer.

    Registration takes place by reporting the activity to the municipality's environmental protection authority. If the declaration is filled in correctly, the activity does not violate the site plan and is not a licensed activity, the activity will be registered. An environmental permit is not applied for the facilities to be registered. Registration is a recording procedure in nature, where no administrative decision is made and regulations are not issued.

    Instructions for registering the activity

    The registration notice must be submitted to the municipality's environmental protection authority no later than 30-60 days before the start of operations. A fee is charged for registration.

    The activity to be registered must comply with the requirements laid down in the industry-specific regulation. Through subsequent monitoring, the authority ensures that the operation complies with the requirements of the industry-specific regulation.

    The notification can be made electronically through the electronic permit service of the city of Riihimäki. We recommend primarily using the electronic permit service. Sending a notification via the electronic service requires strong identification (bank credentials/mobile certificate, etc.).

    Sign in to the Service

    If electronic reporting is not possible, the printable/completed form and instructions for reporting can be found on the website of the state environmental administration. The form is returned to the area of ​​responsibility for environmental protection at PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki.

    More information

  • Off-road traffic refers to the traffic of motorized vehicles on terrain. Terrain means a land area and an ice-covered water area that is not a road and is not intended for motor vehicle, rail or air traffic.

    Off-road transport is not every man's right. Off-road movement is strictly limited by the Off-Road Traffic Act. The main rule is that it is forbidden to move in the terrain with motorized vehicles. This means that free and unplanned off-road driving is not possible.

    Movement in individual cases is possible with the landowner's permission. If the same terrain is used for repeated or permanent organization of competitions or trainings, permission from the municipality's environmental protection authority must be applied for before starting the activity. The same permit obligation also applies to an individual event if it is expected to cause significant harm to nature, other environments, settlements, general recreational use or other public or private interests.

    A snowmobile route is a road established for snowmobile traffic in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Off-Road Traffic Act. The permission of the landowner is required to drive.

    A motorized vehicle must be used off-road in such a way as to avoid causing damage and harm to nature and the rest of the environment, real estate and natural activities, as well as causing unnecessary disturbance to the population and the rest of the environment.

  • In individual cases, the municipal environmental protection authority can, for a special reason, grant permission to deviate from the environmental protection regulations and issue supplementary instructions and regulations.

    In order to deviate from the environmental permit regulations, an application must be made to the municipality's environmental protection authority, which will consider granting an exception on a case-by-case basis. A fee according to the environmental protection authority's fee is charged for the processing of the application.

    An exception may be granted on the protective distance requirements of the wastewater discharge site, if the risk of environmental pollution caused by the deviation is not assessed. When considering the exception, the quality and quantity of waste water, the slope of the terrain, the quality of the soil and groundwater conditions are taken into account, among other things.

    An exception may also be granted from the obligation to remove a decommissioned underground fuel or chemical tank, if the removal is technically very difficult, it causes damage to other property, or if the costs become unreasonable.

    The application can be made electronically through the electronic permit service of the city of Riihimäki. We recommend primarily using the electronic permit service. Sending a notification via the electronic service requires strong identification (bank credentials/mobile certificate, etc.).

    Sign in to the Service

    The application can also be mailed to the area of ​​responsibility for environmental protection at PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki.

  • According to the Water Supply Act, a property in the water supply plant's operating area must be connected to the plant's water mains and sewers and, as decided by the municipality, to the plant's storm water drain in the water supply plant's stormwater drainage area. The municipality's environmental protection authority (environmental inspector in Riihimäki) grants the property an exemption from the obligation to join.

    However, outside of the agglomeration, the property does not need to be connected to the water main of the water supply facility if the property's water supply system was built before the approval of the water supply facility's operating area and the property has sufficient domestic water that meets the quality requirements stipulated in the Health Protection Act.

    Outside the agglomeration, the property does not need to be connected to the water supply plant's wastewater sewer, if the property's water supply system was built before the approval of the water supply plant's operating area and the management and treatment of waste water complies with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, or the property does not have a water toilet and the management and treatment of its waste water complies with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act.

    Exemption from connection to the water supply and sewage system

    Exemption from the obligation to attach must be granted if:

    1. connection to the network would be unreasonable for the owner or occupier of the property, when taking into account the costs of building the property's water supply equipment, the costs of connection, the low need for the services of the water supply facility or another similar special reason
    2. the release does not jeopardize the financial and proper management of the water supply facility in the area of ​​operation of the water supply facility
    3. and in addition
      • the property to be exempted from connection to the water main has sufficient domestic water available that meets the requirements or
      • The management and processing of waste water from a property exempted from connection to a waste water sewer can be organized in accordance with the requirements laid down in the Environmental Protection Act

    Exemption can be applied for in writing form or electronic permit service via the environmental permits section. The water supply facility and the owner or keeper of the property are consulted on the application, and the opinion of the health protection authority is requested on the application.

    Exemption from connecting to the storm water sewer

    As decided by the municipality, the property located in the area of ​​the water supply plant's storm water drainage must be connected to the plant's storm water drainage. The municipal environmental protection authority can, upon application, grant the property an exemption from the obligation to connect to the storm water drain.

    Exemption from the obligation to connect to the storm water sewer is granted if:

    1. connection to the storm water sewer would be unreasonable for the owner or occupier of the property, taking into account the costs incurred from the management of the property's storm water, the costs incurred from the connection, the small need for storm water drainage from the water supply facility, or another similar special reason;
    2. the release does not jeopardize the economic and proper management of stormwater drainage in the stormwater drainage area of ​​the water supply facility referred to in § 17a; and
    3. the stormwater of the property to be exempted from annexation can otherwise be removed appropriately.

    Exemption is applied for in writing form or electronic permit service via the environmental permits section. Before the exemption is granted, the water supply facility and the owner or holder of the property will be given an opportunity to be consulted.

  • The announcement applies

    • storage of dry manure or organic fertilizer products on the farm that receives them
    • post-ripening of compost
    • storage of dry manure in exceptional situations on a farm where it accumulates due to keeping livestock (technical or hygienic reasons).

    More detailed information on the situations when opening is permitted on the basis of a notification, on the location of opening and other requirements can be found in Government Regulation 1250/2014 (the so-called nitrate regulation).

    Submit a notification to the environmental protection authority of the city of Riihimäki no later than 14 days before starting storage.

    Link to the discharge notification form (

    Send the notification by e-mail to or by post to:

    City of Riihimäki/area of ​​responsibility for environmental protection
    Etelainen Asemakatu 4
    PL 125
    11101 Riihimaki

  • The municipality's environmental protection authority acts as the municipality's campsite authority as referred to in § 20 of the Outdoor Activities Act. A written notification to the environmental board must be made no later than three months before the start of the activity or the change. The notice must contain the necessary information about the campsite owner and the location of the area, as well as the nature and quality of the activity.

    Notification must also be made for a temporary camping site. According to Section 25 of the Outdoor Activities Act, a temporary camping area is considered to be an area where more than 14 people are intended to be accommodated in tents or in travel trailers or travel vehicles kept there for a maximum of 100 days.

    The processing of the campsite notice is free of charge.

    • Campsite announcement
  • If a substance that may cause pollution has entered the ground or groundwater, the person causing it must immediately notify the supervisory authority (YSL § 76).

    If an accident, a production failure, the dismantling of a structure or device, or any other comparable cause causes emissions or waste is generated in such a way that it may cause an immediate and obvious risk of environmental pollution or special measures in waste management due to the amount or characteristics of the waste, the person responsible for the activity or the holder of the waste must notify of the incident without delay to the supervisory authority (YSL § 62).

    In the event of environmental damage, always contact the emergency number 112 in urgent cases. In the case of environmental damages and accidents, the primary responsibility for rescue operations rests with the rescue service of the area concerned. You should also contact the municipality's environmental authority. ELY centers find out the causes of environmental damage situations, assess the effects of environmental damage and participate in preventive work.

    Contact details of the authorities

    • City of Riihimäki, director of the environment, phone 040 330 4160
    • Kanta-Häme rescue service, fire supervisor on duty, phone 040 330 5058
    • Director of Health Supervision, tel. 040 330 5770
    • Responsible persons and experts of the Häme Center for Business, Transport and Environment in accident cases
    • Riihimäki water supply facility's emergency department (sewer discharges), tel. 040 330 4969
  • According to the Water Act, the removal of a minor nuisance related to the use of silt, shallows or other water bodies comparable to them through restoration is allowed, if it does not cause harmful changes and does not cause significant harm to the owner of the water area. Renovation activities must not cause harm, e.g. for fishing, the beauty of nature, the comfort of the environment or the recreational use of the water body.

    Mechanical dredging of water bodies always requires at least a notification to the ELY Center and the owner of the water area. Notification must be made at least one month before the start of the procedure.

    The dredging notice must be accompanied by an explanation of the target area, the way and time of the work, as well as the quantity, quality and handling of the excavated materials to be removed.

    More information about dredging implementation and relevant notification forms can be found on the website of the environmental administration. The ELY centers have adopted an electronic dredging and mowing notification form. The notifier can send his notice from anywhere in Finland using an electronic internet form. The form is directed to the regional ELY center. See the pages of the environmental administration.

    You may start work no earlier than 30 days after receiving the notice.

    If the amount of dredging is greater than 500 m3, a permit for dredging in accordance with the Water Act must always be applied for from the Regional Administrative Agency of Southern Finland (AVI).

    More information

Control plan

The environmental protection control plan has been drawn up for the years 2021-2025. The plan focuses on the planned implementation of monitoring and inspections of facilities subject to environmental permits and registered facilities and soil intake areas. The plan has also dealt with other supervision that belongs to the environmental board.

On the basis of the control plan, an annual control program has been drawn up, according to which a control fee is charged for activities subject to environmental permits and registrable for regular control measures. The monitoring fees are specified in the environmental protection authority's tariff.

Oil tanks

  • An aging or defective oil tank is a serious risk to soil, groundwater and waterways. The owner or holder of the oil tank is responsible for the condition of the tank and its equipment and for conducting inspections. The owner or holder of the tank is responsible for the costs arising from possible oil damage. The building's oil heating equipment also needs service and maintenance to operate safely.

    An electronic risk management tool for tank owners

    Electronically TANKKI risk management tool the aim is to provide guidance to tank owners in matters related to tank inspections, maintenance and tank decommissioning, among other things. The tool is available on the website of the Päijät-Häme rescue service.

    With the help of the tool, the owners of the heating oil tank receive instructions, comments and action suggestions on how to act in different situations to avoid oil damage. In addition, the tool offers guidance on the safe use of camper tanks.

    The user of the electronic tool answers the questions presented, which are grouped into heating oil and station wagon tank specific and general questions. The risk meter illustrates the risk created by the answers, which is indicative.

    When filling out the survey, the user already receives additional information on the subject, such as legal obligations and municipal environmental protection regulations. After answering all the questions, the owner of the oil tank receives a summary of the answers he gave.

    The information is not stored in the administrator's register. The summary is easy to print and keep for your own use, or it can be delivered by e-mail or on paper to the municipality's environmental protection authority or rescue service.

  • An aging or defective oil tank is a serious risk to soil, groundwater and waterways. The owner or holder of the oil tank is responsible for the condition of the tank and its equipment and for conducting inspections. Damage also occurs when filling the tanks, so it is always good for the customer to be present when the tank is being filled.

    The owner or holder of the tank is responsible for the costs arising from possible oil damage, which can reach tens of thousands of euros. Periodic inspections of the tank can significantly reduce the risk of oil damage. The inspection protocol is also proof to the insurance company of the tank's proper care and maintenance. In order to ensure insurance coverage and avoid risks, you should replace the old containers with new ones.

    Placing the heating oil tank

    According to the environmental protection regulations of the city of Riihimäki, heating oil tanks may not be placed underground in groundwater areas. All new fuel tanks must be fitted with a sump or have dual containment technology. The tanks must be sufficiently separated from their base and they must be equipped with overfill devices. The heating oil tanks must have a maintenance hatch that enables an internal condition check. Outdoor containers must be lockable, unless unauthorized access is prevented by other means.

    The environmental protection authority can grant an exception for placing the tank underground, if placing the tank above ground or indoors is technically or structurally very difficult.

  • Inspections of underground tanks in important groundwater areas According to the decision of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (KTMp 344/1983), underground tanks located in important groundwater areas must be inspected for the first time within ten years of the tank's commissioning. After this, the inspection interval is determined by the type and condition of the tank. More information is provided by the Kanta-Häme rescue service.

    Inspections according to environmental protection regulations

    The environmental protection regulations of the city of Riihimäki extend the obligation to inspect oil and other chemical tanks. All tanks, which are not affected by the above-mentioned decision of the Ministry of the Interior, must be inspected for the first time within 10 years of commissioning. After that, the inspections of the tanks referred to in the environmental protection regulations must be done in accordance with the condition class of the tank found in the inspection. Containers are divided into fitness classes and must be periodically inspected as follows:

    • Class A tank
      • metallic containers with at least 3 mm remaining of the sheet thickness measured from the inside of the container at the deepest corrosion, and non-metallic containers in which no hairline cracks or deformations have been observed.
      • The inspection must be done at least every ten years.
    • Class B tank
      • metal containers with at least 1,5 mm, but no more than 3 mm remaining of the plate thickness measured from the inside of the container at the deepest corrosion.
      • The inspection must be done at least every five years
    • Class C tank
      • metal tanks with less than 1,5 mm of plate thickness remaining measured from the inside of the tank at the deepest corrosion, or whose wall plate changes shape when tapped from the inside with a 0,5 kg ball-head hammer.
      • The tank must be decommissioned within one year of the inspection.
    • Class D tank
      • containers with corrosion or cracks or that leak during the leak test. A leaky or cracked non-metal container is also class D.
      • The tank must be taken out of use immediately.

    The tightness of the tank drainage basin must be checked at the same time as the condition check of the tank.


    An underground oil, fuel or other metal chemical tank may not be renovated by coating. Tanks that were coated before the environmental protection regulations came into force (June 1.6.2018, XNUMX) must be inspected at least every five years.

    The inspection may only be performed by an inspection company approved by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (TUKES). The protocols drawn up from the inspections must be submitted to the rescue authority and, upon request, presented to the environmental protection authority.

    Periodic inspections of pressure equipment are stipulated in the decision of the Ministry of Trade and Industry on pressure equipment safety (953/1999).

  • The owner or occupier of the tank must lift and deliver the decommissioned underground oil tank for proper disposal. At the same time, the tank must be properly cleaned and checked for possible leaks. Spills must be reported to the environmental protection authorities immediately. The certificate of cleaning and removal of the tank must be kept on the property for possible inspection (as long as the tank is on the property). The person performing the cleaning must have the skills required for the task.

    The rescue authority must also be notified when the heating oil tank is taken out of use. A copy of the oil tank cleaning certificate must be attached to the notification.

    The containers do not need to be removed if they have been properly cleaned and their use has been prevented before the update of the environmental protection regulations came into effect (June 1.6.2018, XNUMX). The above-ground part of the tank filling pipe and air pipe must be removed or blocked.

    In individual cases, the environmental protection authority can grant an exception from the obligation to remove a decommissioned underground tank. If removing the tank is technically very difficult or it causes damage to other property, or if the costs become unreasonable, you can apply for an exception using the attached form.

    Application form for leaving an oil tank on the ground

    In the application, an explanation of the reasons why the tank is to be left in the ground must be presented, and the necessary attachments must be attached. The environmental protection authority considers granting an exception on a case-by-case basis. A fee according to the environmental protection authority's fee is charged for the processing of the application.

    When the owner of the property changes, information about the tank must be given to the new owner.

    More information
    Environmental protection planner, tel. 040 330 4161

  • The building's oil heating equipment needs service and maintenance to operate safely. You should take care of the condition of the oil tank, as regular maintenance measures prevent oil damage and leaks. The owner of the property is always responsible for the oil tank and possible oil damage.

    All oil tanks are recommended to be checked regularly. The first inspection should be done no later than ten years after installation. After that, the tank should be inspected every 5-10 years. Underground oil tanks in important groundwater areas have an inspection obligation throughout Finland, where the next inspection visit is determined by the condition of the tank. In some municipalities, such as Riihimäki, the environmental protection regulations extend the inspection obligation to other reservoirs as well.

    A short checklist for the oil tank owner

    Check the tank regularly

    Inspections ensure the safe use of the tank and its equipment. Carry out inspections at inspection companies approved by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency. Change the two-pipe system to a single-pipe system.

    A leak in the return pipe leading from the oil burner to the tank can cause oil damage that is difficult to detect. These damages are prevented by changing the two-pipe systems between the tank and the burner to single-pipe systems.

    Monitor oil consumption

    If the consumption suddenly rises, the reason may be a broken tank or pipeline.

    Be there when the container is filled

    Damage also occurs when filling the tanks, so it is always good for the customer to be present when the tank is being filled.

    Replace the damaged container with a new one

    The tank should be replaced instead of repaired. By renewing the tank and its equipment, their safety will be improved to meet current requirements.

    Empty and clean the discarded container

    Do not leave oil in an unused tank. Disused underground tanks are always recommended to be removed from the soil.

Contact us

Industrial and waste management environmental permits and registrations, environmental protection regulations, nature trails, Siisti Riksu
Soil permits, environmental permits and registrations (including crushing and mining), noise reports, exemptions according to the Water Supply Act, off-road traffic permits.
Environmental permits and registrations (e.g. animal shelters), control of waste management and littering, control and advice on wastewater treatment in sparsely populated areas.