Sundman Päivi
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Riihimäki's green area program 2015–2035 is a long-term general outline for the development of services in green and recreational areas. Its purpose is to guide the planning, design, construction, maintenance and own production of green areas, as well as the planning and management of forestry areas. The purpose of the green area program is to strengthen the green area network, the number of green areas, their dimensions and examine their accessibility.
Riihimäki's green area program 2015–2035 is a long-term general outline for the development of services in green and recreational areas.
Riihimäki had not previously prepared a comprehensive plan for the green areas of the entire city, and it was decided to prepare it in connection with the master plan work. The design work started on June 9.6.2014, XNUMX. The green area program is drawn up in parallel with the work on the general plan, so that the green area program also serves as a report on the green and recreational areas of the general plan.
With the green area program, the current situation of the green network is mapped, development needs are identified and development measures are proposed. In urban areas, the green area program focuses on the needs of densifying the urban structure and, outside of them, on natural diversity and ecological connection needs. The work takes into account, among other things. needs related to climate change, stormwater, valuable nature sites, green services, sports facilities and outdoor recreation routes.
The green area program was prepared by FCG Suunnittelu ja teknikki Oy in cooperation with the city of Riihimäki. The work was supervised by a steering group made up of experts from the Riihimäki city's technology and environment industry and culture department. The green area program was approved by the City Council on August 31.8.2015, XNUMX.
The report of the green area program presents the starting points, the goals and measures of the green area network, further recommendations, implementation and monitoring.
There are map presentations on hydrology, landscape values, accessibility of recreation areas, green areas, services, ecological connections, green structure and the development needs of city center connections. The appendices of the report present vocabulary and concepts, source materials, park plans as a list, and the goals of the general plan 2035.
The main goals of the green area program take into account the preservation of natural diversity and valuable natural sites; development of the green network both from the point of view of recreational use and from an ecological point of view, as well as securing and developing the services of green areas for people of all ages. Also, preparing for climate change and mitigating the effects of extreme natural phenomena caused by it has been raised as one of the main goals.
The basic structure of Riihimäki's green structure is defined in the green area program around the existing attractive recreational and green areas and areas with potential in the future. Green structure refers to green and water areas and the network formed by the connections between them. Five areas have been defined as the core areas for outdoor recreation (Vantaanjoki / Silmäkeneva, Vahteristo, Hatlamminsuo, Sammalistonsuo and Riutta) and as camping destinations (Vantaanjoki and Kytärvi area). The core areas of outdoor recreation refer to large recreation area complexes based on the city center, which can also be reached on foot from the center. Excursion destinations refer to large, mainly natural green and recreational areas located further away from the center.
Site-specific development goals have been defined in the green area program for the green areas of the urban area, core areas for outdoor recreation and camping sites. The mutual connections of the core areas of outdoor recreation and the connections to the center are to be developed and unified by removing the effects of barriers and adding missing connections. In the development of the green structure, one of the goals is the organic management of stormwater in parks and green areas and the utilization of green areas as flood routes in flood control.
In connection with the green area program, there is a list of missing reports and action recommendations that can be used to evaluate and develop the planning, management and implementation of green areas.
The following measures are listed in the action recommendations: evaluation of current green services (sufficiency, scope, accessibility, versatility, possible overlapping functions, appropriateness, deficiencies in safety and accessibility) review of the management classification of green areas, review of the adequacy of green and recreation areas (m2/person) to serve land use planning, classification of parks and green areas functional recreation area system (central parks, city parks, residential area parks and neighborhood and outdoor parks).
Reports to be prepared include, for example, a comprehensive outdoor route plan, a master plan for the land use of sports facilities, a report on the movement of game and other fauna as well as motorway and track crossings, catchment-specific stormwater surveys, small water surveys and a forest management plan from the perspective of recreation to guide forest management.
The green area program will be implemented during 2015 at all planning levels. The main responsibility for putting the green area program into practice and monitoring its implementation rests with the streets and parks unit
Action programs aimed at implementation are prepared from the development goals and action recommendations. The aim is to divide the projects relatively evenly into program periods, which correspond to e.g. council periods.
The green area program is a goal-oriented, guiding document. The commitment to the measures presented in it takes place in connection with the preparation of the budgets of the administrative municipalities. The implementation of the green area program is monitored annually by a separately established steering group. The measures for monitoring the implementation of the green area program are defined in the action programs. The review of the goals and the review of the implementation of the green area program is carried out every four years in connection with the review of the general plan. The steering group presents the necessary revisions. Any changes will be linked to the phases of the revision of the general plan.
City gardener
Technical industry