Mäenpää Elina
Environmental Director (deputized by Jenni Lehtonen)
The Riihimaki.fi website uses Google Translate.
Endangered means that the species is disappearing from our country as a result of human activity. Endangeredness is different from the concept of rarity or the natural population fluctuations of a species, where there may be a question of the phenomenon of abundance-decrease characteristic of the species or climatic factors. Endangerment is therefore always caused by human activity.
The endangered cape frog has been found in three places on different sides of Riihimäki. Among the endangered plant species, there have been observations of the following species, among others: sedge, sedge, sedge, sedge, sedge, sedge, green pea, maidenhair.
There are not many nationally endangered mammal species. The most abundant species and the one that has been on display the most in public is the flying squirrel.
The areas of occurrence of Riihimäki's flying squirrels have been mapped in 2004, 2013 and 2023. Riihimäki's flying squirrels are concentrated in the city's best and most lush forests in the southern and southwestern parts of the city. The eastern and northern parts of the city are largely empty, but flying squirrels are still rarely seen near the city center.
Comparing old and current distribution data, it seems clear that the biggest threat to Riihimäki's flying squirrels is modern efficient forest management; Young commercial forests and clearcuts do not provide the flying squirrel with enough dens and food trees.
All bats in Finland are protected by the Nature Conservation Act. In addition to breeding and resting places, bats' feeding areas should also be mapped and saved.
The bat survey carried out in the summer of 2007 covers the entire area of the city of Riihimäki. Breeding or resting places for bats were scarce, as only 26 significant feeding areas were found. Of these, two are Class I, five Class II and 19 Class III areas.
The bat species found on Riihimäki are the most common bat species in Finland. Waterfowl, whiskered/great-whiskered wing, ground bat and long-eared warbler were found in the area. The most common bat species were the whiskered/great-whiskered bat and the northern bat.
The small amount of water in Riihimäki limits the number of bat species and their presence in the area. The best bat areas are usually located near bodies of water, as bats prey on insects hatching from water. Riihimäki's forests are economic forests and there has been a lot of extensive clear-cutting in them recently, old forests are scarce.
Environmental Director (deputized by Jenni Lehtonen)