Mäenpää Elina
Environmental Director (deputized by Jenni Lehtonen)
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In addition to nature reserves and protected habitat types, Riihimäki also has valuable sites in terms of biodiversity. There are valuable natural sites both in the city center and in the outskirts. The forests near schools and daycare centers are also important nature education sites.
Land use planning has a central role in the protection of biodiversity, as the municipality controls land use through zoning. Valuable natural sites can be protected effectively not only by conservation procedures but also by means of zoning.
The lush and overgrown Arolammi, created by the expansion of the Vantaanjoki, is a wetland surrounded by fields. The area is an important nesting and feeding place for water and shorebirds. The vegetation on the shores of Arolammi has changed quite a lot since the foundation dam was built on February 8.2.2003, 84,5. The dam has leveled the water level to a level of 85–XNUMX meters. Apparently, the water level rising and staying at a higher level permanently has caused more willows and coastal birches to remain under water and to remove them from the beaches. Especially at the northwestern end of Arolammi, there are almost no trees or willows.
At the bottom of Arolammi there are springs that improve the water quality. At the springs, the water remains thawed even in winter, except for the coldest weeks.
There are willow salmon on the south and north shores of the pond. The pond itself is bordered by a luxuriant saraikkoranta lichen zone, where, among other things, red sedge, water mistletoe, reed sedge, honeysuckle, cape sedge, sedge sedge, and sedge sedge grow. On the banks of the Vantaanjoki, in the western part of the area, there are handsome aspens and stripes and gray alder. Wetness interferes with movement on the beach.
The beach is surrounded by different vegetation zones. In the outermost zone there is a growing zone of sorghum, beach flower, oleander, water mistletoe and reed sedge, and in some places nettles and sedges grow in abundance. Beyond that, there is a zone of lake reeds in the water, and in the open water, there is a lake reed zone. The pond's aquatic plants have been mowed for six years.
The name Hiirenkallio, located in the village of Hiivola, is thought to have originally meant Hiidenkallio. Hiirenkallio's grass spur growth was first noticed 60 years ago, but it is still abundant: in the 2011 count, 106 fertile grass spurs were found. In the new regional endangered classification of 2011, the grasshopper has been added to the list of regionally endangered species in the Riihimäki region as well.
The most common species that grow in the company of the meadow grass are sedge grass, sedge grass, sedge grass, forest sedge and meadow buttercup. There is a small growth of a nationally watched and rare larch on the rock. Other rare species on the rock are the stout roll and the hairy stonewort.
The forest area of Kassoskivenmaa, located on Herajoki, consists of a rocky hill and lower hills and the marshes between them. Small bogs are mainly grassy fens and sedges and sedges. The westernmost bog is blueberry peat. In the sources of the bogs, cranberry, bottle sedge and gray sedge grow. On the slopes of Kassoskivenmaa, you can find ball gravel and masonry, on the other hand, in the ears you can find jouhihvivili, raate and rätväna.
There is a beautiful view from the cliff in the southern part. Cat's paw and felt yellow grow on the rock. There is a small stream in the dip in the southeast part, which flows into a ditch on the side of the road. The dominant trees in Puronotko are spruce and birch. On the ground floor, there are sedges, sedges, and violets, and on the ground floor, curd moss. Kassoskivet, two large boulders, are still in place. The forest is partly a grown cabbage-blueberry grove, partly a fresh blueberry grove. There are young pine trees and saplings in places. In the northern part, there is also a dry mixed forest of the lingonberry type dominated by pine.
There are several growths of nightshade in the spruce trees, as well as pine flowers. The night owl thrives in old and mossy forests, such as in Kassoskivenmaa. In some places, the trees have 20 cm long navel growth.
Kormu korpi is located between the Riuta area and Sipilänmäki. Clear-cutting has been done in the eastern and western parts of Kormu Korvi. Along the stream that runs west of the pacified kelopine, eagle's wing, raven's sedge and mesia sedge grow. There is plenty of rotting wood standing and on the ground. In the forest of Old Kuisiko, there are plenty of squirrel berries and collard greens.
The southern part of Kormu Korve is bordered by a forest road and the northern part by a field. A somewhat natural forest is mostly a fresh grove. There is a lot of decaying wood in the form of both ground and winding vertical trees, which are represented by, among other things, old, protected pine. In the field layer, the common cabbage, sedgeberry and white anemone prevail, in places there are also grove violets and tesma. The type of vegetation varies from a lush cabbage grove to a fern grove. In wetter parts there is grass and fern cover. In the field floor, eagle's wing, mesian elk, raven's sedge, nettle, sedge, meadowsweet and mouse's sedge prevail. At the side of the clear water stream flowing through the forest is a fern grove. There is a campfire site built for skiers in Metsikö.
Kunausoja lowers Lope's border from Kunaussuo towards Vähäjärvi and Paalijärvi. Kunausoja, located in the village of Vähäjärvi, is a gentle stream between the fields of two farms near the courtyards. The bed of the brownish stream is in some places natural, in some places it has been drained.
The meadow on the south side is a mull pasture all the way to the shore. The birch forest in the central part of the north side has been thinned out with aspen and aspen, the area is sparsely wooded and sparsely wooded. Some tree thinning has also been done on the south side, and there are branches on the ground as a result. There is a big fallen rowan tree across the stream near the mulli pasture.
The area is difficult to navigate in some places due to the high vegetation of mesian elk, nettles and sedges. In Kunaujoja, among others, marsh violet, sedge, bear's pipe, grove sedge and red sedge grow.
Mahlamäki and Kutinhaka are hilly forest islands surrounded by fields. Kutinhaka is a three-hectare diverse forest area next to a small road, and Mahlamäki is a rocky aspen-dominated forest island. Between Mahlamäki and Kuti there is a third, small aspen islet. Kutinhaka is a very variable forest in its western part. In some places there is a dense spruce forest, in some places a plantation pine or large multi-branched pines, and at the edge of the field there is a pure rowan growing in tall grass. In addition, the area has small open areas with birch trees, a group of stripes, brambles and sedges. The understory vegetation is also very variable and multispecies. The eastern part of Kutinhaa is a spruce forest.
In Kutinhaa's grove-like forest, tesma and wolfberry grow, while in the open areas, burdock root, magpie and cat's bell, more rarely deer's and gorse's bell and hakama fold leaf. Aholeinikki can be found in places in meadow-like openings.
On Mahlamäki's hook-shaped hummock grows forest clover, heather, sedge, meadow sedge, linden, buckroot, and meadowsweet. On the slope of the edge of the field, you can find mountain tar, deer's bell and individual sedge grasses.
Herajoki keto is a keto-like road ramp next to the dairy of Herajoki Valio Oy. In the middle of July, the Keto slope is very colorful with the flowers of St. The vegetation is surprisingly dense and consists of keto species. Due to the paucity of grasses and mountain sedges and the abundance of other cattail species, it is highly doubtful that the cattail was established by sowing. That has also been done, i.e. the seed mixture was sown by spraying on the slope in 2006, on behalf of the city's parks department.
The most abundant species are St. John's wort, yellow sedge, grass sedge, yarrow, meadow sedge, and sweet cornflower. Fairly abundant species are deer's bell, red sedge, lamb's sedge, buckroot, yellow sedge, yellow pitcher grass and ketone clove.
On the slope, there are also sedges, mountain tar, ground hops, field sedge, forest nettle, yellow clover and a little harmony, cat's bellflower, rose grass and cat's bell. Among the grass species on the slope, at least grass sedge, sheep's fescue, red fescue and sturgeon fescue grow.
The ridge slope of the southern shore of Paalijärvi leads north to the shore of Paalijärvi. The clearings of the forests on the slope behind the swimming beach have already been partially covered with deciduous trees. Forests have also been thinned elsewhere.
At the swimming beach there is a rare pea sedge meadow, the dominant species of which, in addition to sedge, are sedge, marsh violet, beach sedge, sedge, white clover and sedge. Other species in the interior are the very rare toad and, in wetter areas, the round-leaved sedge. Of the mushrooms, the meadow species Hygrocybe sp. grows in the meadow. The shore is surrounded by a lake reed zone, and the water contains lake sedges, snowdrifts, sedges and sedges. Other species on the beach are the marsh pipe, the sedge, the sedge, and the red sandpiper.
There is a forest stream in the area, which originates from korpijuoti just on the other side of Harjumaantie. On the east side of the stream, clear-cutting has been done, mostly bordering the stream. A rare lettuce still grows along the stream. On the beach, near the water's edge, there are some really handsome tar palms. The coastal forests in the middle stages of the site are a fresh cabbage-squirrel berry type grove and a lush cabbage honeysuckle-type moist tall grass grove and a mouse's turner-cabbage-type fern grove. The plants of Paalijärvi's beach marshes include, for example, bottle, jouhi and luhtasara, bitter gourd, poison ivy, beach alpi, vehka, beach flower, broad osmankaami and marsh pipe.
Pähkinistönmäki hill has been granted an environmental maintenance grant, it is a key biotope of the Forest Act. Pähkinistönmäki is a large rocky hill, on the top of which is a lichen rock growing pine, and on the southwest and south slopes there are plenty of trunk-shaped lindens (about a hundred trunk-shaped lindens).
Walnut bushes also grow on the southeast slope. At the foot of the southeast slope opens up a platform where felling was done before the survey in 1999, where linden trees and walnut bushes were also destroyed.
Compared to this, the south-southwest slope is quite natural. Birch, aspen, rowan and gray alder grow among the spruce-dominant slope forest.
The north-west slope is dense forest and dominated by forest blackberry and blueberry. About 130 mpy steps of ancient shore rock on the northern slope.
The upper part of the southern slope is a dry pearl-pea-spring bird pea type, and the lower part is a fresh milkweed-leaf pansy type. At the bottom of the slope, the trees are sparser and more open.
Raiskionlampi and the swamp area are located in a hollow north of Pähkinistönmäki. There is a logging hole on the southeast side of the site. Raiskionlampi is a small, straight pond. The bog surrounding Lampe has old ditches and traces of peat removal, but part of the bog looks relatively natural. The types of bogs are mainly barren sedges and ravens and small patches of snow. The forest is mostly pine. The area is an environmental base for forestry.
The predominant types of vegetation in Raiskionlammi's swamp are big sparrow and sedge, sedge and short-leaved sedge. Around the pond, round-leaved sedge, alga, mud sedge, sedge sedge and marsh sedge grow. In the surrounding scrub, you can find, among other things, birch and scaly wood.
Riuta's area is part of a long line of ridges running northwest from Salpausela. Riutta is a flat terrain with large differences in height. Works in the area family fitness center and a driving practice track and a dance stage. In addition, there are numerous in the area outdoor trails, archery ranges in the terrain, a few sports fields and gravel pits. In addition to the ridges and inlets, the reef is made valuable by its numerous and diverse marshes.
In terms of forests, the best area is the relatively natural Riuttanlukku subterranean area, where the dominant tree is spruce. Pine, large birches and young aspen grow there. At the southern end of the area there is a steeply sloped suppa bog, which is a type of heather. The tree is a small birch. In the field layer, sedge and bottle sedge predominates, and in the ground layer, sedge moss.
Another of the object's marshes is a beautiful and relatively nutrient-rich marsh bordering the municipality of Lope. The edge is a ridge where pine, birch and spruce grow. The field layer is dominated by sparrows, such as the marsh sedge, the sedge, the crow's berry and the heather. Most of the bog is a mosaic of short-cropped and rippling. On the short basket sections, mostly cranberries and marsh flowers grow. On wet rim surfaces, more demanding species of marsh plants grow, such as woolly sedge and white sedge grass. At the southern end of the bog, there is a tarn alder patch where, in addition to tarn alder, aspen, scotch birch and sedge grow.
Taipale juniper plantation is located on the southwest side of Taipaleenmäki forest. Juniper thicket is a narrow ridged thicket growing from juniper, which due to the abundance of lingonberry and other forest species belongs to the fabric thickets. The juniper forest has been grazed a few years ago.
The most abundant species in the field are lingonberry, bilberry, bilberry, grass roll, red sedge, sedge, meadow sedge and German gooseberry. In the field, you can also find red mulberry, sedge, sedge, wild violet, meadow buttercup and meadowsweet.
The northern side of Taipaleenmäki has been cleared and planted with pine seedlings. South side
cattle grazing has ended, and there are no more signs of grazing in the vegetation. On the northwest edge is a spring surrounded by a concrete ring. The stream has a sandy bottom. Close to the spring and the stream, the brook has been drained.
The forest area of Taipale is a large hill with rock outcrops in the upper parts. On the side of Ojala's farm, there is still a handsome cabbage-blueberry grove-like fabric forest left. In the western part of the area, there is a wooded area. At the stages of the spring well, there are ragweed, sedge and honey berry growing along the stream.
The forests have been spruce and grove-like fabric, in places there was fresh fabric and grove. The slopes still have grove-like features in terms of undergrowth, including white anemone in general. In the upper parts, on the other hand, the sycamore has a lot of growth power when it reaches a height of 1,5 meters. The deer have extensively damaged the pine seedlings and also eaten the aspen saplings. The number of moose in the area is still high based on their droppings and fairly fresh food marks. Due to the felling, forest sedge, sedge and milkweed as well as raspberry are common and large. Among the common forest species, the most common ones are, for example, huckleberry, forest star, lingonberry and blueberry. Vanamoa is also growing.
Uhkolansuo is mainly a wooded sedge and sedge. There is a ditch especially in the northern part of the bog. The main wood species vary from pine, birch and spruce.
Uhkolansuo is a fairly large, largely drained swamp between extensive hilly areas. Ditch is especially in the northern part of the area. The bog is mainly a woody reed and sedge change. The main tree species vary from pine, birch and spruce. In some places, especially in the middle parts of the bog, there are more natural spots with raven's ruff, tupas wool's ruff and great sparrow's ruff, as well as some small patches of sedge. There are paths and long trees in the area.
The dominant species that grow are gorse and blueberry, other abundant species are mullein, rowanberry, crowberry, heather, lingonberry, marsh pursu and forest alder root. The most abundant species in the ditches and ditch beds are the common sedge, common sedge, sedge sedge and ruffed grouse, quite abundant sedge and sedge. In the Neva region, cranberries and marsh flowers grow in abundance, quite a lot of common birch and in places star sedge, sedge and sedge.
The forest area is located on the west side of Uudentalonmäki and the artificial lake. The forest is a kohlrabi-blueberry forest and widely also a kohlrabi-squirrelberry grove. The wood is solid spruce, few other types of wood. Doughberry grows in places. Among the species, the most abundant ones are cabbage, lillukka, wood grouse's knee, nukkkuhemlikka and kielo. Dandelion grows here and there, and a little wood clover, bluebell, and bluebell. Mossy forest flame moss generally covers the earth's surface.
Near the shore of Tekolammi, there are ragwort, meadow hops and patches of milkweed, on the shore there is a sedge and a little sedge and water lily and marsh pipe, quite a lot of perch in the water.
In the gravel pit in the middle of the forest, there are quite a lot of sedges and sedges, as well as other species of sedges, sedges, sedges, sedges, cat's bells, sedges and field geese. The gravel pit is already partially replanted with pine.
The southern shore of Lake Vähäjärvi includes Kalliomäki on the southern shore of Lake Vähäjärvi and its extension, the brook stem nock at the western end of the lake. Forest grazing has been given up around 2007.
The hill in the eastern part of the area is part of the environmental protection of the forest center with logging restrictions. Two linden groves have been demarcated in the area. The forest is quite natural in places, mainly lush, spruce-like cabbage-blueberry grove-like fabric forest with patches of groves.
In the hedge layer, there are brambles and hollyhocks, and in the field layer, among others, tesma, wood grouse, blue anemone and spring bird pea. On the upper slopes of the rock there is a drier and more barren blueberry and lingonberry forest.
A natural monument is a rare or otherwise special protected natural site. It can be, for example, a tree, a group of trees, a boulder or another natural formation. A natural monument can also have aesthetic, scenic or scientific value, which is why it can be calmed down.
In Riihimäki, the revitalization committee decides on the conservation of natural monuments and the termination of conservation.
Protected areas in the terrain are marked with a Natural Monument sign. Damaging or defacing a pacified natural monument is prohibited.
The conservation application for the natural monument is a free-form letter addressed to the area of responsibility for environmental protection of the city of Riihimäki, which states the following:
You can also use From Metsähallitus website available form for making a request.
Instructions from the Association of Municipalities on calming the natural monument.
Environmental Director (deputized by Jenni Lehtonen)