Mäenpää Elina
Environmental Director (deputized by Jenni Lehtonen)
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Riihimäki has 24 nature reserves. Nature reserves and protected natural habitats make up 3% of Riihimäki's land area.
This Riihimäki's first nature reserve was established on the application of the city of Riihimäki and by the decision of the Häme Environmental Center on 26.5.2008 May 121. The XNUMX-hectare protected area of Vahteriston includes the main part of Vahteristonmäki and the western side and eastern edge of Huhtionmäki and is a very diverse nature complex.
The area mainly has fresh and grove-like cloth forests, but also various small swamp areas. The most valuable areas are Huhtionmäki spring and Vahteristonmäki raven nest.
The most common species are blueberry, lingonberry, in addition to the ears, the forest hornbeam and the cabbage with grove-like fabrics. In Kalliomäki, forest sauce, forest lauha, kielo, forest star, Vanamo and heather. The rarest species are the raven's long-headed sage-grouse, starling starling, and white-throated sage-grouse.
Hatlamminsuo is located in the rolling terrain on the southwest side of Hatlamminmäki. The nature conservation value of the bog is based on many different bog types, of which there are 40 in total. Hatlamminsuo was born from the overgrowth of the lake. There are still some water areas or springs in the center of the swamp. Mostly, the bog is pine-dominated scum. There are six-sided ravens on the edges. The giant ferns in the area are the handsomely blooming heather, crowberry, yarrow and marsh flower. The south-western part of Hatlamminsu is surrounded by pine trees and guide boards for the nature trail.
The dominant vegetation types of Hatlamminsuo are isovarpuräme and tupaswilläme. Swamp
the most valuable types of vegetation are short-stemmed sedges, sedges and blueberry and grass and hay ears on the edges. In the Hatlammi marsh, on the edges of the ponds and on the neva patches, there is a lot of white-striped grass (Rhynchospora alba) (picture above) and alga (Scheuchzeria palustris), which is rare in southern Finland.
Although the bog has been preserved almost in its natural state, the human activities carried out in the bog give their own nuance to the character of the area. Lifting moss, draining, felling and recreational use have left their mark on the bog. Hatlamminsuo is still heavily used for recreation all year round, there are plenty of berry pickers, outdoor enthusiasts and nature enthusiasts.
Hatlamminmäki is a provincially valuable landscape protection area due to its geological values. On Hatlamminmäki, you can see the ancient coastal zone from the Yoldian Sea stage, which was formed about 10 years ago, when the glacier melted and the Baltic glacial lake turned into the Yoldian Sea. Stone quarries, quarries and the mountain law are also particularly valuable habitats in terms of forest diversity according to Section 000 of the Forestry Act. There are also several boulders transported by the ice on the hillside. Hatlamminmäki Riihimäki's highest point is 10 meters above sea level and on the Hausjärvi side 165,4 meters. Both are the highest points in their municipalities.
The specialty of Hatlamminmäki is also its crouch. Hatlamminmäki is the winter hibernation place for vipers. Kyi's favorite hibernation spots are precisely rocky outcrops, tree stumps and mudflats. The snakes can crawl to a depth of several meters in the rest of the rounded stones of Muinaisranta. They usually hibernate at a depth of 0,5–2 meters.
Haltamminmäki is also connected to Riihimäki's most valuable natural site, Hatlamminsuoho, which is a protected bog. The state owns almost the entire Hatlamminmäki forest area and the Hatlamminsuota in a total area of approximately 82 hectares. The forest of Hatlamminmäki is mainly a fresh canopy forest of the kale-blueberry type, which is 60–80 years old near the edge of the bog and less than 60 years old on the slope. Among the grasses on the slopes, there is plenty of sedum berry, forest star, sedge cabbage, forest and cotton sedge, golden whip, lillukka, white anemone and evergreen sedges, and in the forest at the edge of the swamp also marigold.
The bird density in the area is normal. It has been affected by the felling of the forest at the edge of the swamp and the feeding of winter birds in the adjacent factory area. The nesting density of forest species in the area, such as titmice and thrush, is above the average level of urban forests. Among the bird species that breed in the area, the most common are the willow sparrow, finch, woodpecker, redbreast, song thrush, red-sided thrush, black thrush, red-breasted tit, blue tit, six tit, common tit and tree climber. Rarer species are the wagtail, the little hornbill and the ground cricket. Hatlamminmäki is an ideal location for migration monitoring because of its height and the nearby swamp.
The Vatsia nature reserve, located on the north shore of Lake Suolijärvi, consists of rocks, on the slopes of which there are dry groves of the milkweed-bird pea type and on the lower slopes fresh groves of the milkweed-pansy and blue anemone type. The tree is old. In three places there are extensive stands of trunk-like linden trees. In addition, aspen and birch, rowan and gray alder grow in abundance on the slopes, and tar alder also grows on the shores. Old trees and large linden trees grow on the sites. The beaches are scenically valuable.
In the sheltered Suolijärvi bay shore, where the Vähäjoki flows, grows in the water
broad osman rolls and lake korte, on the beach with sauce and beach alpi, and with goat's beak.
A very large linden tree grows at the base of the easternmost rock of the Salmenkallios. In the grove on the slope, there is an abundance of forest fire moss, blue anemone, black strawberry, cabbage, and quite a lot of rock alder root, mountain sedge and milkweed. Doughberry and honeysuckle grow from the bushes.
In the small cove in front of the cape that juts out to the south, there is plenty of sedge and also beach grass and sedge as well as fairly tall tar elms. In the lower parts of the slope there is a grove, where there are plenty of violets.
In the extension of the nature reserve in the north, there is a grove-like forest of the cabbage-blueberry type, where there is a lot of stony alvera root, lillukka and forest sorrel, and in places there are hill groves. In the shrub layer, you can find brambleberry, raspberry and hollyhock quite commonly. In the fresh and open patches of the forest, there are felt thistle, goat's milkweed and ragwort, as well as burdock root. In a little drier places, blackberry, blue anemone and lingonberry grow. In the pine-dominated rock outcrops, heather and sedge are dominant species. Between the rocks, there are small wetlands where, among other things, tar alder, willow, willows, sedges and on the ground floor, sedge moss grows.
On the top of the rocks, like the seed trees, the trees are sparse. The dominant species of the field layer are sedge and heather. On the rocky slopes, wild gooseberry and blackberry grow. Within the extended conservation area, two summer cottages are located at the foot of different cliffs, far from the beach.
To the south of the border of the old nature reserve, towards the Salmenkallioi, there are mainly blueberry patches, but in places there are also patches of dry groves where ahomansia, blue anemone and spring bird pea grow. Grasshopper patches grow in brighter spots. The terrain is stony and rocky, and there is hardly any rotten wood. The forest is a six-story mixed forest, the trees are quite sparse. Aspen growths and grove-like patches with hazel, bramble and a little blackberry growing.
The area of Haukkavuorenmaa, located on the eastern shore of Hirvijärvi, is a varied, rocky forest terrain that includes the shore of Hirvijärvi. The area has rocky hills, two ponds, the Kenkiänlahti coastal wetland and a bog that has dried into a peat cloth. The forests are mixed forests of grove-like fabric and deciduous forests, which also have rock pines and spruces. Of the age classes, the majority is grown forest.
The special value of the area is, in addition to the diversity and medium-nutrient rocks, several small groves with representative vegetation. The area has a large number of endangered habitat types showing good conservation value. Important areas for biodiversity are Myllylammi as an undeveloped pond, the marsh between Myllylammi and Kalatonlammi as a richly wooded peat fabric, Jänissaari forest as a grove and grove-like fabric, Haukkavuoren Kalliomäki as a natural forest and cliff, Suntinniity grove and Kenkiänlahti coastal wetland. At the tip of the Suntinniity promontory is Kalliomäki's old conifer forest, which is an important special site in Hirvijärvi's water landscape, as well as Haukkavuorenmaa's slope forest and Koterinkallio.
Haukkavuorenmaa is a target of the state-owned METSO conservation program.
Korttionmäki is a hill of mostly fresh fabric with a rock base and growing from overgrown forest. There are different forest types in the area, from patches of groves to rocky outcrops. The forest is well-kept and has a fairly even structure, the dominant trees are spruce, iron birch and aspen.
In the area there are also forests of noble trees that were previously protected as habitat types, which remain entirely within the protected area. Forest lindens also occur in abundance outside habitat type areas.
The area has been pacified in 2023 as part of the METSO conservation program.
Kolisevanmaa Nature Reserve is a protected area in two parts, located on the northern shore of Lake Hirvijärvi, at Pähkinistönmäki.
The southern part of the area is mainly a fresh or moist grove, where coniferous and deciduous trees of different ages grow. There is also linden and hazel bush. The area also includes historical remains and a clear-cutting area containing turnip seams. In its northern part, the protected area is a dry canopy of trees, lichen-covered rocks and a grove. The slope of Pähkinistönmäki is surrounded by the rocky shoreline of the Yoldia Sea, approximately 135 m above sea level.
The area is protected under the METSO conservation program. The first part of the protection came into effect in 2011 and the second part in 2024.
The Mäkelä-Lepola nature reserve is entirely located in the LUMOS area that has been identified as valuable in terms of biodiversity and has been monitored. The area of Kassoskivenmaa has been found to be the most representative natural forest area in Riihimäki and is excellently suitable for METSO protection.
The nature reserve consists of a forest area dominated by conifers, varying in growth locations and landforms. The forest is mainly approx
80–100 year old moon. The overstory consists of 100–120-year-old pines, which are generally scaly, some with scaly. The deciduous forest is mainly birch, but there are also stout aspens and gray and tar alder in the area. In the eastern part of the area, there is a rivulet of different ages, which is not in a natural state of water management. There is a small fresh grove on the eastern border of the area, which is an important habitat under the Forest Act. Rotten wood is found throughout the area, in some places very abundant. The main part of the decayed wood is windfall and ground trees, but also coils and dead standing wood are common.
The area has been pacified in 2024 as part of the METSO conservation program.
Paalijoki is located in the southeast part of Riihimäki on the border of Hyvinkää. Paalijoki flows in a narrow canyon formed by high gabbro rock cliffs towards Vantaanjoki, but the banks of the spring-flooded river also have meadow-like vegetation. The west side of the river is mostly spruce-dominant fresh canopy forest, although pine prevails on the rocky cliffs. The east side of the river is a rougher pine and spruce-dominant lingonberry-type mixed forest, where the mixed wood is some birch and rowan. The forests are also older and more natural. On the banks of Paalijoki, there are handsome, vertical rock cliffs in several places in the canyon.
In the water grow sedge, sedge and water star. In the moist coastal meadow, among others, mesial sedge, sedge, beach mint, sedge, mountain sedge, reed sedge, grass sedge, sedge and forest clover grow. On wet patches of meadow grass, sedge sedge, sedge sedge and sedge are common. Near Ojaniitty there are a couple of eagle's wings and a patch of fern groves growing with raven reeds. Closer to Hyvinkää's border, there is a lush grove of moist large grass of the cabbage-honeysuckle type. On the field floor, in addition to the mesian alder, there are also sedum, warty root, sedum, nettle and in some places yellow angelica.
In the spruce-dominant forest on the west side of Paalijoki, there is a lot of winter sedge and, among other things, nightshade and white sedge growing among the covering wall moss mat. Among the mushrooms, there is a lot of champignon mushroom and a little hopper waffle.
The nature reserve consists of a forest area dominated by conifers, varying in growth locations and landforms. The tree is mainly about 100–120 year old spruce. In addition, in many places, 100–140-year-old pines grow, which have scaly carnations. The leafy forest is mainly 50-70-year-old iron and birch, but in moist growing places there is also tar alder. In some places, the forest is made up of structures of different ages and the area has natural gaps in the crown. The area to be pacified also contains particularly important habitats according to Section 10 of the Forest Act. In the northwestern part of the area there is a natural lush raven and on the northern border a swamp with few trees. In the southwestern part of the area, there is rock that is less profitable than karukkokanka. A stream flows across the eastern part of the area in a north-south direction, and its bed is mostly natural. The stream flows into a mechanically dug small pond in the northeast corner of the area. Kassoskivet is located in the southwestern part of the area. Kassoskivet is a natural formation that consists of two large boulders connected to each other. Decaying wood occurs in the entire protected area, in some places in abundance. The main part of the decayed wood is windfalls and ground trees of different ages, but also coils and dead standing wood are common.
The area has been pacified in 2024 as part of the METSO conservation program.
The southern part of the area is a rolling cloth forest, the dry parts of which are made of dry cloth and there are small wetlands between the knolls. The swamp in the central part has been created as a result of the overgrowth of the pond.
In the northern part of the area, there is a natural mixed larch-fir forest on a former field and meadow. There is also a uniform forest area with large aspens growing in the area. The northern part is mainly a grove-like fabric, but there are also several groves in small patches.
The area has been pacified in 2023 as part of the METSO conservation program.
Kannistonmetsä nature reserve is located in Hakamäki, north of Lake Vatsianjärvi. In addition to different types of groves, the area includes rocky forest, small rock outcrops, cliffs and grove-like fabric. In the old and overgrown spruce forest, sturdy aspens, iron birch, sycamore, rowan and maple grow. In addition, there are two separate forest linden areas within the area, where a total of around 100 stout linden trees grow.
The area has been pacified as part of the METSO conservation program.
The Hirvenoja nature reserve is located in the northern part of Riihimäki. The area includes a dense forest area with plenty of decaying wood. The average age of the grove is over 100 years, and the entire area has been outside of any forest treatment for about 25 years.
The area has been pacified as part of the METSO conservation program.
The Vantaajokivarre nature reserve covers a distance of about 800 meters along the north bank of the river. The width of the pacified area varies from 30 meters to 150 meters. The forest is dominated by hardwoods, the dominant trees are gray and tar alder, hornbeam and rowan. There are also individual trunk-like forest maples in the area. The nutritional value mainly corresponds to the grove-like fabric, but in some places the characteristics of a grove are developing in the area.
The area has a lot of recreational use and it also serves as a nearby nature and teaching forest for the nearby school.
The area has been pacified in 2023 as part of the HELMI living environment program.
The area of Ihantola's stream is a forest of a grove-like fabric and a moist grove. The forest is an old and dense mixed spruce forest, with large birches and stripes and young hardwood patches around the former pha area as well.
The southwest-northeast-oriented stream is sandy and rocky. Along it grows abundantly, e.g. gray and tar alder, striped and dark. Puronvarsi is a grove and grove. In the middle of the area, there is also a large-sized pine tree protected as a natural monument.
The area has been pacified in 2023 as part of the METSO conservation program.
The Pojansilla nature reserve is located on the southern shore of Lake Vähäjärvi. In the area, there is a lot of rotting forest and a rocky area that descends steeply to the shore. In terms of nutrition, the area is mainly grove and grove-like fabric, and rocky areas of karukko fabric and kitum soil. In the area to be pacified, there are two separate forest linden areas.
Epranoja's riverbed is quite natural, with fairly clear water, rocky in some places and sandy bottom in some places. The easternmost site is located north of Myllypakka and is bordered by a road and a field. There are small rapids in this section of the ditch. The edge of the ditch is a lush grove of tall grass and a fern grove. Thanks to the restoration, the stream has become a valuable salmon fishery.
In Epranoja, east of Myllypakka, in a fern grove, you can find, among other things, milkweed, grove starling, marsh sedge, mouse sedge and eagle's wing. In the ditch, brook sedge, big water star, and on the banks and stones also grow fire lung moss and spring bird's eye.
The middle part of Epranoja is a forest island dominated by deciduous trees, its vegetation mainly consists of honeysuckle and nettles, in addition there are, among other things, mouse's footstep, luhthalemik and bear's pipe. In the stream, there are brook sedges and, in some places, sedge moss attached to the rocks.
In the western part of Epranoja, there is a lush grove of tall grass by the ditch. Higher up on the slope, there is a fresh grove growing, among other things, kale and blue anemone. In addition to spruce, there are aspen, gray alder and hornbeam closer to the ditch. Near the shore of Tekolammi, mesia and nettle grow most abundantly. On the shore, there are sedges, and in the water there are growths of flounder and baitfish.
The area to be pacified is almost entirely a grove, and seepage water can be observed on the nearby parts of the beach. It is part of a wider beach cove, sparsely wooded coastal wetland and backwoods. The forest is mainly a mixed hardwood-fir forest. The foliage is largely tar alder.
The area has been pacified in 2023 as part of the METSO conservation program.
Hirvenojanmetsä nature reserve is located in the northern part of Riihimäki, on the west side of the main railway.
The area has been pacified as part of the METSO conservation program in 2023 for a period of 20 years.
Bordering Old Kormuntieh, the Selja nature reserve includes a natural forest area near the settlement with very abundant trees, which has a lot of decaying wood. The area includes a small amount of meadow, which acts as a green protection zone for the natural-like stream. In terms of nutrition, the area is mainly groves and grove-like fabric.
The MiikaRock nature reserve is located on the east side of Vatsianjärvi, along Välioja. The area has a grove and a grove-like forest with lots of stout aspens and rotting wood.
The area has been pacified as part of the METSO conservation program.
The Lupponen nature reserve is mainly a grove-like fabric. The tree is partly layered and six-sided. Decayed forest is mainly windfalls and ground trees in various stages of decay. The area is suitable for flying squirrel habitat.
The area has been pacified as a target of the METSO conservation program in 2023.
The nature reserve consists of a lush forest area. The western part of the area is a coniferous forest-like fabric, the eastern part is
fresh grove full of chicks. In some places, the forest is made up of structures of different ages and the area has natural gaps in the crown. In the western part of the area, the trees are mainly about 105-year-old spruce. In addition, somewhat older pines also grow in the western part. In the eastern part of the area, the main tree species is iron birch. Spruce and a small amount of alder and stout aspens also grow. No forestry logging has been done in the area for decades. There is a lot of rotting wood. The main part of the decaying wood is windfall and ground trees, but dead standing wood is also common.
The area has been pacified in 2024 as part of the METSO conservation program.
The Myllybacka nature reserve is a mixed-age moorland with abundant decaying wood. There are no signs of logging in the area and its water management is similar to that of a natural state.
The area has been pacified in 2024 as part of the METSO conservation program.
Environmental Director (deputized by Jenni Lehtonen)