Fiber optic sites in Riihimäki
Several private contractors are digging fiber optic cables in Riihimäki. Contractors have an obligation to inform the residents of the areas about the excavation work to be carried out and to inform them in time when the excavation work causes harm to the residents.
The contractors are also committed to restoring all the areas they excavate to at least the level where they were before the excavation began.
The city monitors that structures and restoration are carried out in accordance with the city's street permit guidelines. However, the city does not act as a supervisor and supervisor of the work sites of external operators, but they are the persons appointed by the customer and the contractor. The city only monitors that the contractors follow the city's instructions.
Feedback and complaints
Feedback and complaints belong to fiber optic operators and their contractors. See contact information below.
Contact information for fiber optic operators
Valokuitunen Oy,
Main contractor, Network builder Wire, 050 456 7561,
Another main contractor, Eltel Networks, phone 020 694 750 (mpm/day) Mon–Fri 9–16,
Global Connect Oy,
Elisa Oyj,
Main contractor, Eltel Networks, tel. 020 694 750 (mpm/day) Mon–Fri 9–16,