Matkala Niina
Planning Manager
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The vision is a view of the future of the Riihimäki station area and downtown. It defines the direction and principles for the general plan of the station area and the development of the city center. The vision outlines what concrete measures the realization of the target state means. It helps identify problem areas and areas for development and gives recommendations on design principles. The vision work was completed at the beginning of 2019. The city council approved the vision of the Riihimäki station area and downtown on February 4.2.2019, 5 (§ XNUMX)
The completed vision work defines the guidelines for the development of the station area and city center. The work has been done closely together with the people of Riihimäki and it reflects the common vision of the future Riihimäki of the townspeople, local actors, officials and trustees. The vision emphasizes the hilly identity, urban green and blue, new interesting housing solutions, wooden construction and resource-wise urban structure. Above all, the Riihimäki of the future is a human-sized, compact and comfortable station city where services are close by.
In the vision work, a common vision for the development of the station area and the city center was formed. Success in the work required getting the views of the townspeople and local actors on board, and it came true. Thanks to everyone who participated in the work!
The vision work was conceptualized and discussed in four workshops in August 2018. The vision workshop, open to all city residents, was held on Thursday, August 16.8.2018, 1, at the Green House (Pohjoinen Asemakatu XNUMX). In addition to the event for the townspeople, three other workshops were organized. One of them was for representatives of companies and educational institutions as well as property owners, another for the vision work steering group together with office holders, and the third for municipal decision-makers.
Check out the summary of the workshops organized on the vision:
Based on the workshops, we also wanted to use a map-based online survey to focus on the views of the townspeople regarding the following areas:
The results of the survey (September 28.9 - October 11.10.2018, XNUMX) influenced the content of the vision and the development of the station area and city center.
There were 762 respondents to the map survey and 3919 map entries. Check out the summary prepared from the online survey:
The vision work for the Riihimäki station area and downtown was presented at the Atom shopping center on Thursday, January 31.1.2019, 17, from 19 to XNUMX p.m.
During the evening, there was a lively discussion at Atom about the vision's bold approach to the future and what it takes to achieve it.
The special edition of Koti & kaupunki residents' magazine (1/2019) delved into the vision of the station area and city center.
We recommend making appointments in advance.
Planning Manager