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In the picture, Riihimäki's general plan 2050 R code and in the background an excerpt from the general plan map 2035.

General Plan 2050

The preparation of the general plan 2050 is underway. The general plan 2050 is a comprehensive, general land use and transport plan for the entire city of Riihimäki, which aims for the year 2050. The general plan enables the development of Riihimäki in a sustainable way in the future in accordance with the RakasRiksu2035 strategy. The purpose of the work is to revise, update and deepen the Riihimäki master plan 2013 prepared in the previous master plan period 2017–2035.

The master plan 2050 is drawn up in stages in cooperation with residents, stakeholders and experts, and the city council decides on its approval. You can follow the progress of the general plan 2050 work on this website.

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Video of the general formula

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A video explaining what Riihimäki's general plan is.

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The stages of the general formula

  • In the initial phase, the master plan 2050 is announced and the participation and evaluation plan (OAS) is published. In OAS, the principles and methods of participation and interaction to be followed in the preparation of the formula and in the evaluation of the effects of the formula are defined. The current situation of the General Plan 2050 and the starting points for planning have been compiled in a separate report.

    Commencement announcement 27.11.2022
    Participation and evaluation plan
    General plan 2050 current situation and planning starting points report

    In addition, in the initial phase, the goals of the general plan are formed, which aim for the year 2050. The steering group has prepared the goals for consideration by the city board. The city council approved the goals of the general plan 2050 in its meeting on 19.12.2022.

    In the initial phase, an official consultation in accordance with Section 66 of the Land Use and Construction Act will also be organized.

    On February 8.2.2023, XNUMX, an information and discussion event was organized in Riksula about the goals and the participation and evaluation plan. The information and discussion event was a resident event open to all. The residents' meeting was held presentation thereby penetrate the process and starting points of the general formula. In addition, it was recorded as a summary memorandum on issues raised by the participants.

  • In the draft phase, the preparation material for the master plan is prepared based on the set goals and initial data. The preparation material includes, among other things, a draft general plan. In connection with the preparation of the preparation material for the general plan, an impact assessment is also carried out.

    The Riihimäki city council approved the general plan 2050 draft for viewing on December 18, 2023. The preparation material for the general plan was available for viewing from January 15.1 to February 15.2.2024, 4 at the office center Vetur (Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX) and on this website. The availability was announced in an announcement in Aamuposti and on the city's website.

    Plan map of the Riihimäki general plan 2050 draft

    Plan description of the Riihimäki general plan 2050 draft

    During the viewing, there was an opportunity to express opinions about the material. Statements were requested from the necessary authorities and communities. Opinions and statements are processed by the city council.

    On 24.1.2024 January XNUMX, an information and discussion session was held for the participants about the preparation material of the general plan in the community hall in Riksula. At the event, the general plan's starting points, process and preparation material were reviewed in the form of a presentation. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to give feedback on the material. A memorandum of the issues raised by the participants was recorded as a summary of the event.

    Memorandum and summary of the briefing and discussion session

  • The general plan proposal is prepared based on the feedback received from the draft and the impact assessment. If necessary, further investigations and inspections are carried out.

    The Riihimäki City Council approved the master plan proposal for public viewing on 2.12.2024 December 16.12.2024. The master plan proposal material was on display from 31.1.2025 December 4 to XNUMX January XNUMX at the Veturi office (Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX) and on this website. The public viewing was announced by means of an announcement in the Aamuposti newspaper and on the city's website.

    Material of the master plan proposal:

    Plan map of the Riihimäki general plan 2050 proposal
    Appendix map 2050 of the Riihimäki general plan 1 plan map, cultural history
    Appendix map 2050 of Riihimäki's general plan 2 plan map, nature values
    Plan description of the Riihimäki general plan 2050 proposal

    Riihimäki master plan 2050 impact assessment and carbon calculation

    The legally effective main map and legally effective supplementary maps with regulations are also available at the Riihimäki Map Service.

    It was possible to submit a complaint about the proposed master plan during the viewing period. Complainants who have provided their address will be notified of the municipality's reasoned position on the complaint submitted in accordance with Section 65 of the Land Use and Building Act. Statements will be requested from the necessary authorities and communities.

    An information and discussion event for participants regarding the master plan proposal materials was organized on Wednesday, January 8.1.2025, 17.30 at 3:XNUMX p.m. at Antoni's house (Öllerinkatu XNUMX).

    Summary of the information and discussion session

    An official consultation will be held on the plan proposal after it is available for viewing, when the reminders and statements have been received (MRL § 66, MRA § 18).

  • After the proposal phase, minor changes and additions can be made to the formula if necessary. If substantial changes are made to the proposal, the proposal will be considered again.

    The city government processes the general plan proposal and any reminders with their counterparts, and presents the plan's approval to the city council. The city council decides on the approval of the master plan. The approval of the formula will be announced with an announcement.
    Information about the decision will be sent to those members of the municipality and to the authors of the reminders who, while the plan was visible, have requested it in writing and at the same time indicated their address, in accordance with Section 67 of the Land Use and Construction Act.

    The council's approval decision can be appealed to the Hämeenlinna Administrative Court during the 30-day appeal period. There is a possibility to further appeal the decision of the Administrative Court to the Supreme Administrative Court. The general plan enters into force if no appeals are filed against it, or after legal proceedings, if the appeals are rejected.

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