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Observation picture of the general plan of the station area. Square and construction in the locomotive depot area.
View from the north in the direction of the locomotive depots. Photo: General plan of the station area, LSV-Jolma-TUPA

Applying for a formula change

A site plan change is typically made in a situation where land use needs change and the site plan in force in the area does not meet the project's goals. You can apply for a site plan change by submitting a plan change application if you are a land owner or holder.

The site plan change project must support the goals and principles of the city's strategy, general plan, land policy and land use implementation program. In accordance with the city's land policy, the first site plan is basically drawn up for land owned by the city.

  • Typical measures that require changes to the site plan are, for example, changes in purpose of use and reorganization of building sectors and rights. A plan change is usually required if, for example, you want to build an apartment building on a townhouse plot, you want to convert a residential property into a commercial property, or you need to increase the building right.

    You can check whether the current site plan meets the goals of your project by looking at the up-to-date site plan and regulations specific to the plan area in the city's map service.

    All changes do not require changing the site plan, but can be processed with the exemption procedure.

    We help in evaluating the necessity of a site plan change, so contact the planning office before submitting a plan change application.

  • Discuss project goals with city planning. A reference plan for the project must be presented as early as possible, based on which the goals of the plan can be discussed and, if necessary, a negotiation organized. However, the reference plan must be presented at the latest in connection with the plan change application. When the goals of the project are clear and the need for a plan change has been jointly determined, you can submit a plan change application. You can get instructions on how to submit an application from planning.

    Based on the application, a zoning decision is made. The zoning decision is made by the city government.
    The city government always decides separately on site plan changes initiated by a private landowner. In the case of projects that start on the city's own initiative, the zoning decision can also be made in connection with the zoning review that is published annually. The zoning review is approved by the city government.

Agreeing on a formula change

When the site plan is drawn up based on the landowner's starting point and application, it is necessary to agree separately on the initiation of the zoning and the rights and obligations between the city and the landowner related to the implementation of the plan. The most common agreements used are the zoning initiation agreement and the land use agreement.

After drawing up the start-up agreement, the planning process proceeds in four stages, which are the initiation stage, the draft stage, the proposal stage and the approval stage. You can find more detailed information about the formula process on the page Participate in planning.

  • Before starting the zoning work, a zoning initiation agreement is made. With the agreement, the parties undertake to promote planning with their own actions. In addition, the starting points, principles and cost responsibilities of the plan change are agreed upon. Zoning goals can also be recorded in the start-up agreement, but the contents of the plan cannot yet be bindingly agreed upon.

  • The land use agreement is usually made after the draft phase of the plan and it must be approved and signed before the plan is approved. In the land use agreement, the benefit of the increase in land value arising from the plan for the land owner is assessed, and property transfers and the implementation of the plan are agreed upon. In Riihimäki, land use agreements are drawn up by the city in accordance with the country policy program.

    In accordance with the land policy, the city collects 50% of the increase in the value of the land in the form of contractual compensation. The fee charged for the increase in the value of the land resulting from the zoning takes into account the possible demolition costs of buildings in the area as well as the costs arising from taking into account the cultural and historical values ​​of the area as a reducing factor (you can find more information about taking into account the demolition costs and cultural and historical values of the city board's decision).

    In addition, the starting point when drawing up the agreement is that the general areas assigned to the area to be zoned in the site plan change are handed over to the city in the contract without compensation, and a construction obligation is agreed upon for the additional construction right that may be implemented with the site plan change to ensure the realization of the plan. On a case-by-case basis, implementation-related quality factors may also be required in the sites of site plan changes.

Costs and Obligations

The applicant for a plan change is responsible for all costs related to the plan change and, in addition, for the obligations agreed in, for example, the land use agreement.

In Riihimäki, site plan changes made at the initiative of a private landowner are prepared by a consultant. The city's role is to guide and supervise the plan change.

  • In Riihimäki, site plan changes made at the initiative of a private landowner are prepared by a consultant. The applicant for the formula change is responsible for all the hiring costs of the consultant.

    The consultant preparing the plan must have sufficient qualifications and the selection of the consultant must be approved by the city.

    The planning consultant's duties include preparing all material related to the plan, such as, for example, the participation and evaluation plan, the site plan explanation and the site plan map and other possible plan materials. In addition, the consultant participates in the necessary start-up and planning meetings as well as presentation events.

    The city directs and supervises the drawing up of the plan and handles the tasks related to the administrative processing of the plan.

  • Planning work may involve various survey needs, depending on the object (for example stormwater, nature, traffic, noise or contaminated soil surveys). The applicant for the plan change is responsible for any settlement costs.

    The author/authors of the reports must have sufficient qualifications and they must be approved by the city.

    The city directs and supervises the preparation of reports.

  • The visibility related to the change of station plan will be announced by announcing the local newspaper Aamuposti 1-2 times, depending on the plan process. The applicant for the plan change is responsible for the advertising costs.

    The city prepares the announcements.

  • According to the land use agreement, the applicant for the plan change is responsible for compensating for the increase in the value of the land area. The city collects a 50% share of the increase in the value of the land area. A reducing factor in the payment of the increase in value can be the possible demolition costs of buildings in the area and the costs arising from taking into account the cultural and historical values ​​of the area (you can find more information about taking into account demolition costs and cultural and historical values of the city board's decision).

    In addition, the general areas indicated in the site plan change will be handed over to the city without compensation, and a construction obligation will be agreed upon for the additional building right that may be implemented with the site plan change to ensure the realization of the plan. On a case-by-case basis, implementation-related quality factors may also be required in the sites of site plan changes.

  • According to Section 59 of the Regional Use Act, when a site plan or a change to a site plan is mainly required by private interest and drawn up at the initiative of the land owner or holder, the municipality has the right to charge the costs incurred for drawing up and processing the plan.

    In determining the costs incurred by the city for the control, supervision and processing of the site plan, the payment classification (IV) is used as a basis. Depending on the complexity and effectiveness of the project, the applicant for the plan change will reimburse the city a fee of €3 – €000 due to the work.

    The city invoices half of the compensation according to the payment category as a start-up fee after signing the start-up agreement before starting the actual design work. The initial fee is taken into account in the final invoice, which is invoiced when the formula is approved.

    In its decision of December 12.12.2024, 168 § 1.2.2025, the Vitality Board has approved the new taxes related to zoning, which will be applied starting February XNUMX, XNUMX:

    Zoning-related taxes

More information

We recommend making appointments in advance.